Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Type Of Dog Was Jock

Soon: Dead Girls are easy

Da domani un nuovo libro firmato Delos Books : Le ragazze Morte sono Facili di Terri Garey che apre una nuova serie dal titolo Nicki Styx....
Se devo dire la mia, da quello che ho visto per il web, questa serie ricorda MOLTO Ghost Whisperer . Lo possiamo capire dal fatto che questa ragazza vede le anime dei defunti che sono morti lasciando qualcosa in sospeso e che li deve aiutare per farli passare nella "Luce" .....

Mi chiamo Nicki Styx, e pensavo di aver capito tutto della vita. Poi, ho ripreso conoscenza.

Saga: Nicky Styx
Titolo: Le ragazze morte sono facili
Titolo originale : Dead girls are easy
Author: Terri Garey
Publisher: Delos Books
Collection: Odyssey Witches
Pages: 276
Price: € 14.90
Release date: February 23, 2011

There is something in the fact of being near death that causes a girl to rethink its priorities.
Take Nicki Styx: it was a dark vintage, until he touched the afterlife has left her with the ability to see dead people. And in an instant all the spectra of Atlanta are already knocking at his door.
Now her days consist of reluctantly in rearranging the mess left by the dear departed, in accompanying the ghosts towards the Light ... and "anatomy lessons" dr. Joe Bascombe, the brilliant young surgeon that saved my life.
All this focus on the dead is a real pain, especially for a girl who would rather spend time playing to the doctor with her sexy new boyfriend. But things get complicated even more when her friend foolishly sells his soul to the devil, and Nicki makes new gift of hitting a voodoo spell.
short, for Nicki Styx dying was just the first of his problems.


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