art in Cagliari
On February 19, 2011 in Cagliari was inaugurated the exhibition
Ski Fast . This is a special show: does not take place (until Sunday 20) in a museum or in a normal place of artistic enjoyment, but in seven houses and three public places in the city. An exhibit unusual circumstance, in which the visitor can enjoy the art and enjoyment of the special atmosphere that is created in the home of the exhibitor. Then that adds to the enjoyment charm, that small but intense emotion of crossing thresholds that were previously unknown, have a chat with the hostess on the beautiful view from its windows and congratulations for the furniture that ends up mixing with the works and installations. And in some cases you do not understand where does artistic intervention and where things begin at home. If a kitchen is projecting a video with 27 sounds and someone is acting normally, I know that taking a knife from a drawer, then the boundary between the real and reproduced sounds decade.
And if in case you have some bread, cheese, oranges and peanuts, then it dissolves the boundary of transforming it into a real interaction with the whole-home exposure, which itself becomes "installazione" e la presenza dei visitatori si configura come componente del percorso espositivo. E se la casa รจ al quarto piano senza ascensore allora anche l'incontrar per le scale altri visitatori entra a far parte nel circuito e nella stesso stesso scambio di emozione e di conoscenza, essenza stessa del percorso artistico.
Ad avercene spesso di esperienze come questa. E magari, suggerisco, anche al confine tra arte e scienza.
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