sixth episode of the Week "Fantasy" de "Special Carnival ...
Today we speak of a great saga, that of Ulysses Moore of Pierdomenico Baccalario (Ulysses Moore) ...
I present the first book in the series: The Gate of Time ....
I remind you (Finally) the whole saga is composed of:
1. La Porta del Tempo
2. The Map Shop Forget
3. The House of Mirrors
4. The Isle of Masks
5. The Guardians of Stone
6. The first key
7. The Hidden City
8. The Master of Lightning
9. The Shadow Labyrinth
10. The Land of Ice
11. The Ash Garden
12. The Travelers Club Imagination

three of four indicates the motto,
two of four will go to death,
and a four-door below.
Saga: Ulysses Moore
Title: The door of time
Original title: The door of time
Author: Pierdomenico Baccalario (Ulysses Moore)
Publisher: Piemme
Collection: The Paddle Steamer (Piemme Junior Bestsellers)
Pages: 221
Price: € 10.00
Release date: May 11, 2010
Jason and Julia , eleven year old twins, moved from London to Kilmore Cove, a quiet village in Cornwall overlooking the sea. Their parents have in fact purchased Argo Villa, built on sheer cliffs. Jason and Julia are a friend of the place immediately, Rick, with whom they enjoy riding around the country and, above all, to explore their immense and charming villa. Soon the three friends stumble upon a hidden door behind a wardrobe that you can not open in any way. What's behind that mysterious door? Because someone wanted to hide it? The boys are determined to cross that door. At all costs ... And at the end of an incredible treasure hunt, they find themselves in an underground cave. There, illuminated by hundreds of fireflies, they see ... a ship! On board the ancient ship, each time thwarted by the wicked Oblivia Newton, the three friends will travel from book to book through the boundaries of time. First stop: Ancient Egypt's King Tut
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