Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things To Do In March

a wonderful day!

Saturday, at about 16:15. The fantastic team who I train with David, the boys of 2002 had just lost the Derby by 2 to 1 with the same age of the other team ASO 2002. As always, whatever the result, we gather in a circle in a corner of the field: players, coaches and managers. Everyone reaches out to center on the other hand: the task to me to sum up the match just ended. "Well done guys - I say - you can Vincec in sport and you can lose, just giving it everything and tried till the end. And now you've done." Then the scream all together "aesseoooo !!!!!". While I pick the balls off the bench and the medical bag, one of my kids comes up to me and says, "Mister, è una giornata bellissima! La partita, ora la merenda, stasera la pizzata con la squadra. Fantastico!". Annuisco e sorrido: l'idea condivisa con Davide e gli altri dirigenti di dare a questa partita e a tutta questa esperienza nel campionato la giusta importanza senza esasperare i toni e senza caricare ogni incontro di troppi significati agonistici, il non fare mai riferimento ad una classifica che da regolamento CSI non c'è, l'applicare in maniera sistematica la rotazione delle sostituzioni (in modo che tutti i ragazzi giochino sempre un tempo e mezzo) e nelle convocazioni (a parità di presenza negli allenamenti, anche qui rotazione) sta davvero dando i suoi frutti. Vedo una squadra sempre più unita, vedo ragazzi sereni, sento genitori happy. I also see the progress of individual and group in the basics of the game of football and how to interpret the matches, because some workouts are done with fun but hard!
The approach that I had asked my first few minutes of this derby was clear: detrminazione and smile, nothing more, but certainly not without a smile and determination not vice versa. Smile and derterminazione together. And they were great: the style in the field is not a minor detail for our team.
Ah, yes ... the game. Very equilbrata resolved in two powerful shots from outside the box and opponents back on track by a shot over the little guy ours, Cristian, to his first career goals. Then, last attack time has elapsed, a shot just outside of Samma that would give us the balance. But in an already beautiful day it was a detail.
ps: for those who love the story here derby seen through the eyes of the ASO 2002


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