Monday, February 28, 2011
Can I Cook Pasta In Electric Steamer
Campi elettrici misurati intorno ai neuroni
Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons is the title of an article published in Nature Neuroscience, January 16, 2011. The study, partly funded by the European project of the Sixth Framework Programme EUSYNAPSE ("From molecules to networks: understanding synaptic physiology and pathology in the brain through mouse models"), illustrates the behavior of the electric fields measured in the brain. The electric fields produced in the brain are known for some time but until now were considered unnecessary side effects. The group led by Costas Anastassiou (borsista del Californian Institute of Technology, Caltech) ha avuto il merito di misurare i campi elettrici a livello dei singoli neuroni: elettrodi molto piccoli, utilizzati a brevissima distanza da un gruppo di neuroni di ratto.

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Speciale Carnevale[28] - La Spia dei Maghi
Last episode of "Special Carnival !!!!!! And now we close with all Spy Mages of Trudi Canavan, the last episode of the Week "Fanatsy" !!
The novel is the first of a new trilogy called "The Traitor Spy Trilogy" sequel to "The Black Magician Trilogy" comprising:
1. The Guild of Wizards
2. The School of Wizards
3. The Secret of Wizards
Last episode of "Special Carnival !!!!!! And now we close with all Spy Mages of Trudi Canavan, the last episode of the Week "Fanatsy" !!
The novel is the first of a new trilogy called "The Traitor Spy Trilogy" sequel to "The Black Magician Trilogy" comprising:
1. The Guild of Wizards
2. The School of Wizards
3. The Secret of Wizards
Title: light of magicians
Original title: The ambassador's mission
Author: Trudi Canavan
Publisher: North
Collection: Fiction North
Pages: 496
Price: € 19.60
Release date: February 17, 2011
It was not easy for the young Lorkin grow in the shade of his mother, the sorceress Sone, famous throughout the kingdom of Kyralia for having reintroduced the powerful black magic. It was equally difficult to deal with the memory of his father, who died before he was born: Akkarin Lord, the man who, twenty years earlier, he had managed to foil the invasion of the evil wizards Sachaka, thus ushering in a period of peace and prosperity. It is therefore to demonstrate its value Lorkin volunteers to accompany Lord Dannyl, the new ambassador, his rival in the kingdom, where the population still hatching a deep resentment towards kyraliani. Although the diplomatic mission provides for only a period of study on ancient legends sachakane, the trip promises to be fraught with danger. Upon their arrival, in fact, the two magicians received a cold, and soon, they become victims of strange and disturbing "incidents." But Lorkin Dannyl Lord and do not know that the reason for such hostility is not the resentment and rivalries that divide the two kingdoms, but the ambassador's own research, which could lead him on the trail of an ancient secret, a secret that would upset the whole world of magic ...
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at the next St. Joseph's Fair returns to Cernusco "The Turn of the 4 squares" means a non-competitive race of about 2 km in the city center organized from athletics Cernusco Lions and with the sponsorship of sport.
E 'Appointment that had its glory many years ago and we wanted to propose in the plan of support for sports, 2011 to witness a sport that does not close at sports centers but instead poured into the city as a culture of personal well-being and motor activity in an attempt to make people "trained athletes and fans know the territory well through sport. The sport returns as the protagonist in the calendar of the most important time of celebration of the city, demonstrating that their city is necessarily the place where everything is born and to whom it refers sport as an integral and important element of growth.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Vesicare And Ringing Ears
Undicenne cagliaritano campioncino ai giochi di matematica
Per la serie buone notizie dalla scuola: la storia dell'undicenne cagliaritano che ama la matematica. Guarda pochissimo la tv, fa sport s studia volentieri (anche se poche ore). Ce la racconta Matteo Vercelli sul quotidiano L'Unione Sarda del 27 febbraio. "Il re della matematica sta a Sant'Elia". Il titolo si riferisce al quartiere di Cagliari in cui Lorenzo Licciardi abita con la sua famiglia. Il ragazzo frequenta la prima C della scuola media Tuveri di via Venezia. The event is organized by the Bocconi University in Milan: Autumn Games.
following the article.
Andrea Mameli, linguaggiomacchina, February 27, 2011 ---
L'Unione Sarda Cagliari Chronicle Sunday, February 27, 2011 Watch
little practice and a lot of sports television: "I do not mind studying" The King of
Mathematics is a Sant'Elia
Lorenzo, 11 years, the Olympics Fall of Bocconi
Director and teachers will nourish the Tuveri vocation: "Natural talent." See photos
T imido, almost surprised by the interest that surrounds him. "I like math a lot. I solved the logical problems effortlessly, even if I honestly thought I have the wrong one. " Lorenzo Liccardi has 11 years, is short but effective. He attended the 1st C of the school Tuveri Via Venezia. For the past week is a sort of little star "mathematics" among teachers and companions participated in the Games of Fall, mathematical problems of national competition organized by Bocconi University in Milan, is one of the best and deserve the congratulations of the prestigious university. The prize, however, comes from parents looking Fabio and Silvia, "I said they were proud of me," he says proudly.
HISTORY Lorenzo lives in the neighborhood of St. Elias. Long hair and overalls trainers, speak slowly, "It's very emotional," says his math teacher, Patricia Manconi, "but is really a talent. Not only in my field. I have no special merit: it is at first and then my student this year. He came prepared from primary. But we are happy with the whole class. Other comrades have performed well in the race math. " The idea of \u200b\u200btaking part in the national competition promoted by Bocconi came from Professor Wania Atzeni, who took care of everything. One way to deal with the rest of Italy. THE STORY
passion for logic, numbers and geometrical figures Lorenzo discovered it by accident. At school, first at primary school della Randaccio ora alla Tuveri, e forse grazie a una parente: «Adesso che ci penso una mia zia mi potrebbe aver contagiato. Cosa mi piace della matematica? Trovare le soluzioni a ogni problema».
TANTO SPORT Chi dovesse pensare di trovarsi davanti a un bambino “secchione”, tutto libri e scuola, commetterebbe un grave errore. «Studio più o meno un'ora al giorno», ammette candidamente. Anche perché deve trovare il tempo per coltivare le sue altre passioni: «Gioco a pallanuoto e a basket all'Esperia, frequento un corso di musica e leggo molto, fumetti e libri di fantasia. Il mio romanzo fantasy preferito è Arthur e il popolo dei Minimei». La ricetta del successo di Lorenzo è anche la poca tv: «La guarda di più mio fratellino che è ancora alla scuola materna. Io non ho molto tempo». Molto meglio studiare («Mi piace e non mi stanca») e dedicarsi a sport e amici. Per ora, fortunatamente visti i suoi 11 anni, non ha idea del lavoro che gli piacerebbe fare: «Non lo so». Probabilmente qualcosa che avrà a che fare con la matematica.
LA FAMIGLIA Anche i suoi genitori sono stupiti dell'attenzione. Il padre Fabio gestisce il Web cafè di piazza d'Armi, a due passi dalla facoltà di Ingegneria. Forse un segno del destino. Mamma Silvia aiuta il marito nel bar. Sono orgogliosi di Lorenzo. «Siamo contenti. Ha sempre avuto la passione per la matematica e risolve i problemi con grande disinvoltura. Non pensavo però potesse raggiungere questi risultati già a undici anni», dice papà Fabio. La famiglia Liccardi vive a Sant'Elia, ma le attività di Lorenzo si svolgono in altri rioni: «Il quartiere purtroppo non offre molto».
LA SCUOLA Alla Tuveri sperano di poter scoprire anche altri Lorenzo, magari in materie diverse dalla matematica. Valentina Savona, dirigente dell'istituto comprensivo che racchiude anche la Don Milani di via Schiavazzi a Sant'Elia, ne è convinta: «A discapito di quello che si dice sulla scuola, gli studenti bravi e meritevoli esistono. Spetta a noi professori cercare di farli emergere. Lorenzo è un talento e lo sta già dimostrando. Ma sappiamo che ci sono altri alunni bravi. Questo ci è da stimolo per continuare our work. "

following the article.
Andrea Mameli, linguaggiomacchina, February 27, 2011 ---

little practice and a lot of sports television: "I do not mind studying" The King of
Mathematics is a Sant'Elia
Lorenzo, 11 years, the Olympics Fall of Bocconi
Director and teachers will nourish the Tuveri vocation: "Natural talent." See photos
T imido, almost surprised by the interest that surrounds him. "I like math a lot. I solved the logical problems effortlessly, even if I honestly thought I have the wrong one. " Lorenzo Liccardi has 11 years, is short but effective. He attended the 1st C of the school Tuveri Via Venezia. For the past week is a sort of little star "mathematics" among teachers and companions participated in the Games of Fall, mathematical problems of national competition organized by Bocconi University in Milan, is one of the best and deserve the congratulations of the prestigious university. The prize, however, comes from parents looking Fabio and Silvia, "I said they were proud of me," he says proudly.
HISTORY Lorenzo lives in the neighborhood of St. Elias. Long hair and overalls trainers, speak slowly, "It's very emotional," says his math teacher, Patricia Manconi, "but is really a talent. Not only in my field. I have no special merit: it is at first and then my student this year. He came prepared from primary. But we are happy with the whole class. Other comrades have performed well in the race math. " The idea of \u200b\u200btaking part in the national competition promoted by Bocconi came from Professor Wania Atzeni, who took care of everything. One way to deal with the rest of Italy. THE STORY
passion for logic, numbers and geometrical figures Lorenzo discovered it by accident. At school, first at primary school della Randaccio ora alla Tuveri, e forse grazie a una parente: «Adesso che ci penso una mia zia mi potrebbe aver contagiato. Cosa mi piace della matematica? Trovare le soluzioni a ogni problema».
TANTO SPORT Chi dovesse pensare di trovarsi davanti a un bambino “secchione”, tutto libri e scuola, commetterebbe un grave errore. «Studio più o meno un'ora al giorno», ammette candidamente. Anche perché deve trovare il tempo per coltivare le sue altre passioni: «Gioco a pallanuoto e a basket all'Esperia, frequento un corso di musica e leggo molto, fumetti e libri di fantasia. Il mio romanzo fantasy preferito è Arthur e il popolo dei Minimei». La ricetta del successo di Lorenzo è anche la poca tv: «La guarda di più mio fratellino che è ancora alla scuola materna. Io non ho molto tempo». Molto meglio studiare («Mi piace e non mi stanca») e dedicarsi a sport e amici. Per ora, fortunatamente visti i suoi 11 anni, non ha idea del lavoro che gli piacerebbe fare: «Non lo so». Probabilmente qualcosa che avrà a che fare con la matematica.
LA FAMIGLIA Anche i suoi genitori sono stupiti dell'attenzione. Il padre Fabio gestisce il Web cafè di piazza d'Armi, a due passi dalla facoltà di Ingegneria. Forse un segno del destino. Mamma Silvia aiuta il marito nel bar. Sono orgogliosi di Lorenzo. «Siamo contenti. Ha sempre avuto la passione per la matematica e risolve i problemi con grande disinvoltura. Non pensavo però potesse raggiungere questi risultati già a undici anni», dice papà Fabio. La famiglia Liccardi vive a Sant'Elia, ma le attività di Lorenzo si svolgono in altri rioni: «Il quartiere purtroppo non offre molto».
LA SCUOLA Alla Tuveri sperano di poter scoprire anche altri Lorenzo, magari in materie diverse dalla matematica. Valentina Savona, dirigente dell'istituto comprensivo che racchiude anche la Don Milani di via Schiavazzi a Sant'Elia, ne è convinta: «A discapito di quello che si dice sulla scuola, gli studenti bravi e meritevoli esistono. Spetta a noi professori cercare di farli emergere. Lorenzo è un talento e lo sta già dimostrando. Ma sappiamo che ci sono altri alunni bravi. Questo ci è da stimolo per continuare our work. "
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Signora Mastrocola ha dimenticato la scienza!
On 20 February 2011, by Fabio Fazio (Che tempo che fa, Rai 3) Paola Mastrocola presents "Remove Noise" and speaks of the school. In the initial part of the interview subjects feel shared. Knowledge. Know. Consumers. We have graduates who write action with its zeta. Boys at home not doing their homework. Parents expect their children to school to get everything like in a supermarket of education. The time lost on the highway. The tail Outlet Serravalle Scrivia.
Then I hear the writer / teacher asks: "But if we make the tail hour on the motorway per comprarci i vestitini, io come faccio a far Torquato Tasso?”.
Mi fermo, riascolto, osservo Fazio che conduce con mestiere e penso che qualcosa non mi torna. Riascolto i primi 10 minuti e credo di scoprire l'origine delle mie perplessità: percepisco superfialità, qualunquismo, come se si trattasse di parole dette al bar con gli amici e non di fronte a milioni di persone (e poi ad altre migliaia come me che vedono e ascoltano da YouTube). So che non è facile parlare in tv. Mi ci sono trovato parecchie volte e spesso quel che ho detto non mi ha soddisfatto del tutto. Ma sincertamente mi aspettavo di più.
Poi arrivo al minuto 12:09 (che YouTube sia lodato!) e sento la domanda che aspettavo.
Fazio chiede: "Una his new idea of \u200b\u200bschool that exposes in the book. We can summarize the? "
Mastrocola replies:" So. Wipe out everything you need. Groundhog Day. "Then he said he would like a big school from 6 to 16 or 15 years and retail 12:57 states:" But a school tostissima. I have to get out of there that I know: Italian to perfection, so to speak, I write, I know two foreign languages, know something about mathematics, I know the history and geography. What did I miss? "
Madam I can tell you what you have missed. Forgotten science! What if they are boys and girls 15 years of" something mathematical "without any scientific experience. Experiences that are beginning in prima o in seconda elementare, sporcandosi le mani per iniziare a farsi un'idea diretta di come funzionano le cose. Ma ancora una volta voglio essere comprensivo: in 14 minuti di diretta televisiva è facile dimenticare qualcosa. E il pensiero non viene trasmesso profondamente e interamente.
A questo punto, dato che un libro non si scrive in 14 minuti, voglio leggere "Togliamo il disturbo. Saggio sulla libertà di non studiare" (Guanda, 2011).
E poi scriverò cosa ne penso.
Andrea Mameli, linguaggiomacchina, 27 febbraio 2011
PS Sul tema segnalo "noi che non vogliamo togliere il disturbo" (Il Canovaccio, MCE Sardegna) con interventi di Silvano Tagliagambe e Roberto Maragliano.
PS 2 Mi segnalano che Paola Mastrocola nei 14 minuti in compagnia di Fabio Fazio ha dimenticato anche l'arte.

Mi fermo, riascolto, osservo Fazio che conduce con mestiere e penso che qualcosa non mi torna. Riascolto i primi 10 minuti e credo di scoprire l'origine delle mie perplessità: percepisco superfialità, qualunquismo, come se si trattasse di parole dette al bar con gli amici e non di fronte a milioni di persone (e poi ad altre migliaia come me che vedono e ascoltano da YouTube). So che non è facile parlare in tv. Mi ci sono trovato parecchie volte e spesso quel che ho detto non mi ha soddisfatto del tutto. Ma sincertamente mi aspettavo di più.
Poi arrivo al minuto 12:09 (che YouTube sia lodato!) e sento la domanda che aspettavo.
Fazio chiede: "Una his new idea of \u200b\u200bschool that exposes in the book. We can summarize the? "
Mastrocola replies:" So. Wipe out everything you need. Groundhog Day. "Then he said he would like a big school from 6 to 16 or 15 years and retail 12:57 states:" But a school tostissima. I have to get out of there that I know: Italian to perfection, so to speak, I write, I know two foreign languages, know something about mathematics, I know the history and geography. What did I miss? "

A questo punto, dato che un libro non si scrive in 14 minuti, voglio leggere "Togliamo il disturbo. Saggio sulla libertà di non studiare" (Guanda, 2011).
E poi scriverò cosa ne penso.
Andrea Mameli, linguaggiomacchina, 27 febbraio 2011
PS Sul tema segnalo "noi che non vogliamo togliere il disturbo" (Il Canovaccio, MCE Sardegna) con interventi di Silvano Tagliagambe e Roberto Maragliano.
PS 2 Mi segnalano che Paola Mastrocola nei 14 minuti in compagnia di Fabio Fazio ha dimenticato anche l'arte.
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Speciale Carnevale[27] - La Porta del Tempo
sixth episode of the Week "Fantasy" de "Special Carnival ...
Today we speak of a great saga, that of Ulysses Moore of Pierdomenico Baccalario (Ulysses Moore) ...
I present the first book in the series: The Gate of Time ....
I remind you (Finally) the whole saga is composed of:
If four to open a lot,
three of four indicates the motto,
two of four will go to death,
and a four-door below.
sixth episode of the Week "Fantasy" de "Special Carnival ...
Today we speak of a great saga, that of Ulysses Moore of Pierdomenico Baccalario (Ulysses Moore) ...
I present the first book in the series: The Gate of Time ....
I remind you (Finally) the whole saga is composed of:
1. La Porta del Tempo
2. The Map Shop Forget
3. The House of Mirrors
4. The Isle of Masks
5. The Guardians of Stone
6. The first key
7. The Hidden City
8. The Master of Lightning
9. The Shadow Labyrinth
10. The Land of Ice
11. The Ash Garden
12. The Travelers Club Imagination

three of four indicates the motto,
two of four will go to death,
and a four-door below.
Saga: Ulysses Moore
Title: The door of time
Original title: The door of time
Author: Pierdomenico Baccalario (Ulysses Moore)
Publisher: Piemme
Collection: The Paddle Steamer (Piemme Junior Bestsellers)
Pages: 221
Price: € 10.00
Release date: May 11, 2010
Jason and Julia , eleven year old twins, moved from London to Kilmore Cove, a quiet village in Cornwall overlooking the sea. Their parents have in fact purchased Argo Villa, built on sheer cliffs. Jason and Julia are a friend of the place immediately, Rick, with whom they enjoy riding around the country and, above all, to explore their immense and charming villa. Soon the three friends stumble upon a hidden door behind a wardrobe that you can not open in any way. What's behind that mysterious door? Because someone wanted to hide it? The boys are determined to cross that door. At all costs ... And at the end of an incredible treasure hunt, they find themselves in an underground cave. There, illuminated by hundreds of fireflies, they see ... a ship! On board the ancient ship, each time thwarted by the wicked Oblivia Newton, the three friends will travel from book to book through the boundaries of time. First stop: Ancient Egypt's King Tut
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Speciale Carnevale[26] - Percy Jackson e gli Dei dell'Olimpo. Il Mare dei Mostri
"Special Carnival - Week " Fantasy " - Episode 5 - Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The Sea of \u200b\u200bMonsters Rick Riordan of ...
I have heard many negative comments about this book and I, personally, I've seen in a bad eye (in principle) why I thought a copy of my favorite saga: Harry Potter . After seeing the film, however, I changed his mind ...
Saga: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Title: Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The sea of \u200b\u200bmonsters
Original title: Percy Jackson & the Olympians. The sea of \u200b\u200bmonsters
Author: Rick Riordan
Publisher: Mondadori
Collection: The Great
Pages: 328
Price: € 17.00
Release date: November 2, 2010
The school year has flown quiet Percy Jackson, but now the Half-Blood Camp still needs him, the pine Talia was poisoned and no longer able to protect the area from invasion of monsters. Only the Golden Fleece can save! But it is guarded by Polyphemus, the Cyclops on the island, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bMonsters. The mission is carried out by Clarisse, daughter of Ares, but Percy can not stay with our hands ... also because his satyr Grover guardian is in the clutches of Polyphemus! Accompanied by his faithful new friend Annabeth and Tyson Cyclops, will face a thousand enterprises in the sea, the sorceress Circe, the siren song ... and to make matters worse, the Oracle's prophecy is more complicated: who will be among the sons of the Big Three, betraying the Olympians? Alberta Farm Land Lease Agreement
MAN , il Museo d'Arte della Provincia di Nuoro, annuncia la terza edizione del premio MAN_GASWORKS , per artisti sotto i 40 anni residenti in Italia.
In palio c'è la partecipazione al Gasworks International Residency Programme che consiste nel vivere e lavorare a Londra per 3 mesi. Gasworks è un'organizzazione d'arte contemporanea che ha sede a South London e che ospita 12 studi: 9 sono riservati a londinesi e 3 al Residency Programme. Gasworks offre un programma di mostre, incontri internazionali e progetti educativi, e negli ultimi 15 ann ha ospitato più di 170 artisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Per poter essere ammessi basta essere residenti in Italia e avere un'età compresa tra 25 e 40 anni. La commissione di esperti d'arte è composta da Cristiana Collu (Direttrice del MAN di Nuoro), Alessio Antoniolli (Direttore del Gasworks and Triangle Arts Trust), Hans-Ulrich Obrist (Co-direttore di Exhibitions and Programmes e Direttore dell'International Projects alla Serpentine Gallery). Gli artisti dovranno presentare: un CD o DVD con 5 lavori o progetti realizzati negli ultimi 5 anni, accompagnati da una breve descrizione, più materiale fotografico (in formato PDF) spedito per posta entro il 28 Aprile 2011 a: MAN Museo d'Arte della Provincia di Nuoro, Via Satta 27, 08100 Nuoro. Il verdetto si avrà il 16 Maggio 2011. La residenza a Londra si svolgerà tra Ottobre e Dicembre 2011 e include vitto, alloggio e uno studio presso Gasworks.
Per informazioni: rita.museoman@gmail.com o baingio.museoman@gmail.com

In palio c'è la partecipazione al Gasworks International Residency Programme che consiste nel vivere e lavorare a Londra per 3 mesi. Gasworks è un'organizzazione d'arte contemporanea che ha sede a South London e che ospita 12 studi: 9 sono riservati a londinesi e 3 al Residency Programme. Gasworks offre un programma di mostre, incontri internazionali e progetti educativi, e negli ultimi 15 ann ha ospitato più di 170 artisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Per poter essere ammessi basta essere residenti in Italia e avere un'età compresa tra 25 e 40 anni. La commissione di esperti d'arte è composta da Cristiana Collu (Direttrice del MAN di Nuoro), Alessio Antoniolli (Direttore del Gasworks and Triangle Arts Trust), Hans-Ulrich Obrist (Co-direttore di Exhibitions and Programmes e Direttore dell'International Projects alla Serpentine Gallery). Gli artisti dovranno presentare: un CD o DVD con 5 lavori o progetti realizzati negli ultimi 5 anni, accompagnati da una breve descrizione, più materiale fotografico (in formato PDF) spedito per posta entro il 28 Aprile 2011 a: MAN Museo d'Arte della Provincia di Nuoro, Via Satta 27, 08100 Nuoro. Il verdetto si avrà il 16 Maggio 2011. La residenza a Londra si svolgerà tra Ottobre e Dicembre 2011 e include vitto, alloggio e uno studio presso Gasworks.
Per informazioni: rita.museoman@gmail.com o baingio.museoman@gmail.com

Friday, February 25, 2011
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Si chiama Zero Race e ha portato tre squadre a percorrere 29 mila km attravero 16 Paesi con l'obbligo di compensare i propri consumi elettrici esclusivamente da fonti rinnovabili. All’avventura, conclusa il 24 febbraio a Ginevra, took part in the German team (Vectrix, an electric bike), an Australian (three-wheel car "Trev"), a Swiss (Zerotracer). At the finish line first were the Swiss and Frank Tobias Wuelser Loaker aboard their Zerotracer.

Si chiama Zero Race e ha portato tre squadre a percorrere 29 mila km attravero 16 Paesi con l'obbligo di compensare i propri consumi elettrici esclusivamente da fonti rinnovabili. All’avventura, conclusa il 24 febbraio a Ginevra, took part in the German team (Vectrix, an electric bike), an Australian (three-wheel car "Trev"), a Swiss (Zerotracer). At the finish line first were the Swiss and Frank Tobias Wuelser Loaker aboard their Zerotracer.
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Speciale Carnevale[25] - The Princess of Storms
Un nuovo urban fantasy avventuroso e sexy tra le onde tempestose dell’oceano…
"Special Carnival - Week " Fantasy " - Episode 4 - The Princess of Storms of Nicole Peeler

Saga: Jane True
Titolo: La principessa delle tempeste
Titolo originale: Tempest rising
Autore: Nicole Peeler
Editore: Newton Compton
Collana: Newton Pocket
Pagine: 311
Prezzo: 6,90€
Data pubblic: 17 febbraio 2011
Jane True ha 26 anni e vive a Rockabill, nel Maine. Ha sempre amato l'acqua, fin da bambina, e spesso, dopo il lavoro in libreria, plunges into the ocean and swim in the dark. Until one night, in the icy ocean waves, he runs into a dead body ... When she and her new friend Ryu, Rockabill mandate to settle the case, start to investigate, suddenly found themselves catapulted into a strange and mysterious universe. It will be the beginning of a journey at the dawn of time, in a world where vampires and half men living with other supernatural creatures, sometimes beautiful and sometimes terrifying. Jane and Ryu will fall in love with each other, but Jane soon discovers the truth about its true origin ... Someone wants to exterminate the aquatic creatures like her, and it is her only save itself and what remains of its ancient lineage.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Nasce Scienza Express edizioni (Moebius online)
Moebius online (January 18, 2011) Daniel Gouthier interview: "Science Express editions Born: 95 € each to give birth to a new scientific publisher.

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The Tower of Secrets
La Torre dei Segreti di Mario Zero …
Avete mai sentito il detto: “Non giudicare mai un libro dalla copertina” ?... Ecco questa volta ci calza proprio a pennello, ed io aggiungerei anche non giudicarlo né dall’aspetto, né dall’editore….
Questo libro non lo troverete, sfortunatamente, nella librerie ma nella biblioteca della vostra scuola . Infatti La Torre dei Segreti è un libro pubblicato da La Scuola e fa parte di quei libri di narrativa che, una volta finiti, vanno completati sul retro ....
Volete un consiglio? Cercatelo, chiedetelo, andate in biblioteca (qualsiasi). Non fate il mio stesso errore: non giudicate un libro dalla copertina J
PS: Non si trovano immagini della copertina sul web, quindi l’ho dovuta scannerizzare
Title: Tower of Secrets
Original title: Tower of Secrets
Author: Mario Zero
Publisher: School
Collection: -
Pages: 207
Price: € 10.00
Release date: 2004
Twenty days away from home, without parents, in-studio holiday! Carla and Janet, two best friends, is the first time.
arrival in Ireland are facing an ancient and majestic castle, and what seemed like just a nice vacation soon be transformed into an electrifying experience. With two school friends, Luke and Eve, the two amiche fanno scorribande in cerca di avventure finché si imbattono in una strana e inquietante leggenda. Senza rendersene conto i nostri eroi vengono coinvolti in un’avvincente storia sospesa tra passato e presente, realtà e fantasia, verità e finzione.
Chi è la misteriosa Dama in Nero? Che cosa sta succedendo nel college? Chi si aggira furtivamente di notte nell’edificio e che cosa cerca? Le domande sono tante e l’impresa non è priva di pericoli. Dare una risposta a tutti gli interrogativi è veramente difficile, ma i quattro amici hanno dalla loro parte curiosità, testardaggine, coraggio ed anche un po’ di incoscienza.
7 Types Of Brazilian Wax
Carnival Special [24] - The Sect of Vampires. Dawn Dark
"Special Carnival - Week " Fantasy " - The Sect vampires. The Dawn of Dark Lisa Jane Smith ...
From now on all the library you can find the eighth chapter of the saga The Sect of Vampires : Dawn Dark published by Newton Compton ... ..
The world of darkness is about to subjugate humans. The eighth episode of a thrilling saga
Saga: The sect of vampires
Title: Dawn dark
Original title: Black Dawn
Author: LJSmith
Publisher: Newton Compton
Collection: Vertigo
Pages: 256
Price: € 12.90
Release date: February 24, 2011
Miles has disappeared without a trace. His girlfriend, Sylvia, you know something but did not open his mouth, and hides behind a pack of lies. Maggie, the sister of Miles, he has no choice. He begins to investigate, and did not give up until all the illusions and false evidence on which he built his life do not collapse, one after another. For the first time, the terrible truth is offered in his eyes: the night is populated by powerful vampires and mad, to be noble and shapeshifting witches. It's the World of Darkness, a bloodthirsty society of strange creatures, where humans are enslaved, bought and sold like cattle. Hunter Redfern, the progenitor of vampires, dreams to destroy the human world and to bring his armies to conquer the day. But not all inhabitants of the night are ruthless killers ... Maggie will find its soul mate, partner more unlikely and strange that you might have. It will have a single, unique opportunity to foil the plans of Hunter: the balance between the two worlds only depend on her.
Scanner Could Be Initialised
Altar of Eden
Now a new book in the library signed North: The Altar of Eden James Rollins
Saga: -
Title: The Altar of Eden
Original title: Altar of Eden
Author: James Rollins
Publisher: North
Collection: Fiction
Pages: 448
Price: € 19.60
Release date: February 24, 2011
Iraq, in April 2003. Baghdad has just been conquered by the U.S. Army: the city is in chaos, and while the soldiers try to stem looting and robbery, armed men break into the zoo and steal from an underground lab results a revolutionary experiment. The weapons, however, can not protect them from the creature that suddenly emerges from the darkness ...
New Orleans today. A fishing vessel foundered off the coast of Louisiana, the crew members missing, blood everywhere and, in the hold, a cargo of illegal exotic animals: this is the scenario that is presented to the veterinary Lorna Polk, Jack Menard called the agent to provide initial care to the precious animals. Intrigued by their unique physical anomalies and their amazing intelligence, Lorna immediately suspected of daring to be the guinea pigs for genetic manipulation. But curiosity turns to terror when they first discovered that a ferocious saber-toothed jaguar escaped into the swamp, and then is saved by a miracle from the explosion that destroys the vessel. To shed light on the origin of that mysterious burden, in fact, Jack and Lorna will be facing a powerful and implacable enemy, willing to do anything to hide the truth. Because these animals are the guardians of an unsuspecting shocking secret, a secret that dates back to the very origin of the human race ...
New Orleans today. A fishing vessel foundered off the coast of Louisiana, the crew members missing, blood everywhere and, in the hold, a cargo of illegal exotic animals: this is the scenario that is presented to the veterinary Lorna Polk, Jack Menard called the agent to provide initial care to the precious animals. Intrigued by their unique physical anomalies and their amazing intelligence, Lorna immediately suspected of daring to be the guinea pigs for genetic manipulation. But curiosity turns to terror when they first discovered that a ferocious saber-toothed jaguar escaped into the swamp, and then is saved by a miracle from the explosion that destroys the vessel. To shed light on the origin of that mysterious burden, in fact, Jack and Lorna will be facing a powerful and implacable enemy, willing to do anything to hide the truth. Because these animals are the guardians of an unsuspecting shocking secret, a secret that dates back to the very origin of the human race ...
School Carnival Games
These days I wrote this letter to the representatives of the sporting world cernuschese, the President and members of the Sports Look to the leaders of Sports Associations of the city

The City Council will meet on 2 March 2011 expected, as the twelfth item on the agenda, the Approval of support for Sport for the Year 2011 'There is the sports movement in the city "- guidelines for a policy to revitalize the sport in the territory .
Behind the formality of an order of the day I try to share with you at least three aspects of great importance of this moment is for all the sports cernuschese:
• Sport a starring role in place of the city's highest institutional comparison and does not for an emergency related to a problem or shortly after a question, but from a proactive document that is to share guidance and then implement concrete actions: it is a time when the sport cernuschese be explicitly recognized the key role in the life of our city, with the honors and the burdens resulting from this act;
• This step in the City Council comes as the conclusion of an iteration of discussion started in the Culture Commission e poi proseguito nell’Assemblea della Consulta dello sport e indica chiaramente – seppur con tempi da perfezionare – un metodo di lavoro futuro affinché lo sport a Cernusco possa essere programmato, sviluppato e poi vissuto;
• Il documento che sta alla base di questa discussione rappresenta uno strumento davvero innovativo non solo nella vita amministrativa e associativa della nostra città, ma anche in un più ampio panorama di amministrazioni locali del territorio. Esso ha l’ambizione di essere la piattaforma sulla quale Assessorato, Consulta e Mondo Sportivo condividono e poi attuano annualmente - sempre all'interno di una visione di medio termine e con modalità progettuali certo da sviluppare - azioni support of sport.
not you deny it, then, that I'd like the audience present in the Council Chamber to assist us in this debate were the representatives of the sporting world Cernuschese, consultation of Sports and Sports Associations. It 's a very simple but perfect to express our passion and our assumption of responsibility for shaping and organizing sports and live as an integral part of our city: that is why I invite you to be there. There
sports movement in the city! The exclamation point let's put us.
Behind the formality of an order of the day I try to share with you at least three aspects of great importance of this moment is for all the sports cernuschese:
• Sport a starring role in place of the city's highest institutional comparison and does not for an emergency related to a problem or shortly after a question, but from a proactive document that is to share guidance and then implement concrete actions: it is a time when the sport cernuschese be explicitly recognized the key role in the life of our city, with the honors and the burdens resulting from this act;
• This step in the City Council comes as the conclusion of an iteration of discussion started in the Culture Commission e poi proseguito nell’Assemblea della Consulta dello sport e indica chiaramente – seppur con tempi da perfezionare – un metodo di lavoro futuro affinché lo sport a Cernusco possa essere programmato, sviluppato e poi vissuto;
• Il documento che sta alla base di questa discussione rappresenta uno strumento davvero innovativo non solo nella vita amministrativa e associativa della nostra città, ma anche in un più ampio panorama di amministrazioni locali del territorio. Esso ha l’ambizione di essere la piattaforma sulla quale Assessorato, Consulta e Mondo Sportivo condividono e poi attuano annualmente - sempre all'interno di una visione di medio termine e con modalità progettuali certo da sviluppare - azioni support of sport.
not you deny it, then, that I'd like the audience present in the Council Chamber to assist us in this debate were the representatives of the sporting world Cernuschese, consultation of Sports and Sports Associations. It 's a very simple but perfect to express our passion and our assumption of responsibility for shaping and organizing sports and live as an integral part of our city: that is why I invite you to be there. There
sports movement in the city! The exclamation point let's put us.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How Long Does A Church Keep Tithing Envelopes
Neandertaliani, uomini come noi
In 1884, Stefano De Stefani, pioneer of prehistoric research in Verona, wrote in "News of the excavations of antiquities" (Academy of the Lincei, 1887), "the so-called new road, which leads to Fumane Molina, we observed a landslide debris of dolomite rocks, which contained a good quantity of bones of beasts and chipped flint." The site is Cave Fumane (Verona) in the Natural Park Lessinia. In 1964 the archaeologist Giovanni Solinas Verona Verona, solicited the assistance of the Natural History Museum of Verona for the protection of relics, bones and flint, surfaced during copiously road maintenance work. There was an initial exploration by archaeologists and Franco Angelo Pasa Mezzena.
A new intervention of the Museum of Natural History of Verona, in 1982, allowed Mauro Cremaschi of Milan University to examine the stratigraphic sequence of deposits exposed by illegal excavations. At the same time, the archaeologist Augustus Sartorelli described the numerous flint artefacts recovered from Pasa in previous years. More recently (1984), archaeologist Alberto Broglio detects the presence of Aurignacian artifacts (39-34000 - 26-21000 years ago) and dissemination of bone artefacts from the excavation material is illegal and in 1988 's start of scientific research and from that moment onwards we regularly carry out an agreement with the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of the Veneto.
This important archaeological site, formerly known as the "Shelter Solinas" and now known as Cave Fumane, revealed the existence of a tangle of cavity almost completely filled with the debris of a landslide body, removed at various times after 1995. Under these debris appear the remains of Neanderthals inhabited by groups of hunters and early sapiens, all in excellent condition.
The first phase of these investigations thus revealed the existence of a site of great importance, which requires complex studies to be undertaken through collaboration between researchers and specialists from different fields, able to build the framework for relations between the unitary and multiaspettuale man, the environment and its resources. Thanks to
Cariverona recovery supported by the Foundation, since 2005 the cave is accessible to visitors of Lessinia Park through a picturesque route that allows you to observe the morphology of the karst system, examine the stratigraphic sections, to appreciate the state of conservation of Palaeolithic settlements retracing the steps of Neanderthals and early modern men who frequented these hills.
The scientific excavations at the Grotto of Fumane allow the discovery of ways of life, technology, relationships with the environment and the living arrangements of men who have lived here, documenting the times that have seen the disappearance of Neanderthal man ( here between about 90,000 and 40,000 years ago) and dissemination of Man modern.
About 20 years ago were found numerous fragments with traces of staining obtained with ocher. Five fragments of larger size with patterns defined and readable, though not all interpretable. Two of these seem to propose an anthropomorphic figure, commonly called "Shaman" for the symbolic values \u200b\u200bthat seems to recall, and a figure of an animal, perhaps one mustelid. In prehistoric times, some painted stones were detached from the ceiling and walls of the cave and were found in the levels occupied by the first Sapiens and dated to about 40,000 years ago. Currently these are the oldest known painting products.
Some of the stones painted with ocher and other archaeological materials that tell la vita preistorica a Grotta di Fumane e sui Monti Lessini, sono visibili presso il Museo Paleontologico e Preistorico di Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo (VR).
Una successiva scoperta di ossa in ottimo stato di conservazione risale al 2009, poi le ricerche su 660 penne dei grandi rapaci (avvoltoio, aquila, falco, cuculo) rinvenute nel sito hanno portato alla formulazione di una nuova ipotesi nella lunga storia del genere Homo.
I reperti provenienti da uno strato risalente a 44 mila anni dell’Uomo di Neanderthal e degli uccelli, dimostrerebbero che gli Homo neanderthalensis si servivano delle ali e delle penne più spettacolari a scopo ornamentale. Insomma, il Neanderthal non era così diverso come solitamente lo you paint. Research at the University of Ferrara allows backdating of tens of thousands of years the introduction of the ornaments for the symbolic in human evolutionary history, and reinforces previous hypotheses that suggested the use of mineral colors from Homo neanderthalensis for paint your body, so far considered the preserve of more complex societies, due exclusively to Homo sapiens.
The possession by the Neanderthals, the capacity of symbolic expression, has fueled a heated debate in the scientific community archaeological and anthropological. It seems much more likely to think of Neanderthals as men with similar behaviors abstract to those of sapiens.
A scientific discovery that involves the local community outreach initiatives by the organization of visits to places of the findings, from research to dissemination of results. It does not happen often. The initiative is the University of Ferrara, the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Veneto, Regione del Veneto (Department of Culture), the Mountain Community of Lessinia (Regional Natural Park of Lessinia), the City of Fumane, the National Museum of Prehistory Ethnographic Pigorini, The official presentation of the results of the study will be held March 2 in the Olympic Hall of the Teatro Vittoria Bosco Chiesanuova (VR). The research team is led by the archaeologist at the University of Ferrara Marco Peresani, Department of Biology and Evolution at the University of Ferrara (section paleobiology, prehistory and anthropology, helped by the Romandini Marco, a graduate student and researcher archaeozoologists the same university, Antonio Tagliacozzo director of the paleontology of Quaternary and archaeozoology the National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography 'Pigorini "of Rome with its employees and Ivana Fiore Monica Gala.
Giovanni Solinas Fumane work in the cave.
Late Neandertals and the intentional removal of bird feathers as evidenced from bone taphonomy Fumane Cave at 44 ky B.P., Italy Marco Peresani et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Published online before print February 22, 2011.
A large and varied avifaunal bone assemblage from the final Mousterian levels of Grotta di Fumane, northern Italy, reveals unusual human modifications on species that are not clearly relatable to feeding or utilitarian uses (i.e., lammergeier, Eurasian black vulture, golden eagle, red-footed falcon, common wood pigeon, and Alpine chough). Cut, peeling, and scrape marks, as well as diagnostic fractures and a breakthrough, are observed exclusively on wings, indicating the intentional removal of large feathers by Neandertals. The species involved, the anatomical affected elements, and the unusual type and location of the human Modifications indicated an activity linked to the symbolic sphere and the behavioral modernity of this European autochthonous population.
Andrea Mameli linguaggiomacchina.it February 23, 2011

A new intervention of the Museum of Natural History of Verona, in 1982, allowed Mauro Cremaschi of Milan University to examine the stratigraphic sequence of deposits exposed by illegal excavations. At the same time, the archaeologist Augustus Sartorelli described the numerous flint artefacts recovered from Pasa in previous years. More recently (1984), archaeologist Alberto Broglio detects the presence of Aurignacian artifacts (39-34000 - 26-21000 years ago) and dissemination of bone artefacts from the excavation material is illegal and in 1988 's start of scientific research and from that moment onwards we regularly carry out an agreement with the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of the Veneto.
This important archaeological site, formerly known as the "Shelter Solinas" and now known as Cave Fumane, revealed the existence of a tangle of cavity almost completely filled with the debris of a landslide body, removed at various times after 1995. Under these debris appear the remains of Neanderthals inhabited by groups of hunters and early sapiens, all in excellent condition.
The first phase of these investigations thus revealed the existence of a site of great importance, which requires complex studies to be undertaken through collaboration between researchers and specialists from different fields, able to build the framework for relations between the unitary and multiaspettuale man, the environment and its resources. Thanks to
Cariverona recovery supported by the Foundation, since 2005 the cave is accessible to visitors of Lessinia Park through a picturesque route that allows you to observe the morphology of the karst system, examine the stratigraphic sections, to appreciate the state of conservation of Palaeolithic settlements retracing the steps of Neanderthals and early modern men who frequented these hills.
The scientific excavations at the Grotto of Fumane allow the discovery of ways of life, technology, relationships with the environment and the living arrangements of men who have lived here, documenting the times that have seen the disappearance of Neanderthal man ( here between about 90,000 and 40,000 years ago) and dissemination of Man modern.
About 20 years ago were found numerous fragments with traces of staining obtained with ocher. Five fragments of larger size with patterns defined and readable, though not all interpretable. Two of these seem to propose an anthropomorphic figure, commonly called "Shaman" for the symbolic values \u200b\u200bthat seems to recall, and a figure of an animal, perhaps one mustelid. In prehistoric times, some painted stones were detached from the ceiling and walls of the cave and were found in the levels occupied by the first Sapiens and dated to about 40,000 years ago. Currently these are the oldest known painting products.
Some of the stones painted with ocher and other archaeological materials that tell la vita preistorica a Grotta di Fumane e sui Monti Lessini, sono visibili presso il Museo Paleontologico e Preistorico di Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo (VR).
Una successiva scoperta di ossa in ottimo stato di conservazione risale al 2009, poi le ricerche su 660 penne dei grandi rapaci (avvoltoio, aquila, falco, cuculo) rinvenute nel sito hanno portato alla formulazione di una nuova ipotesi nella lunga storia del genere Homo.
I reperti provenienti da uno strato risalente a 44 mila anni dell’Uomo di Neanderthal e degli uccelli, dimostrerebbero che gli Homo neanderthalensis si servivano delle ali e delle penne più spettacolari a scopo ornamentale. Insomma, il Neanderthal non era così diverso come solitamente lo you paint. Research at the University of Ferrara allows backdating of tens of thousands of years the introduction of the ornaments for the symbolic in human evolutionary history, and reinforces previous hypotheses that suggested the use of mineral colors from Homo neanderthalensis for paint your body, so far considered the preserve of more complex societies, due exclusively to Homo sapiens.
The possession by the Neanderthals, the capacity of symbolic expression, has fueled a heated debate in the scientific community archaeological and anthropological. It seems much more likely to think of Neanderthals as men with similar behaviors abstract to those of sapiens.

Late Neandertals and the intentional removal of bird feathers as evidenced from bone taphonomy Fumane Cave at 44 ky B.P., Italy Marco Peresani et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Published online before print February 22, 2011.
A large and varied avifaunal bone assemblage from the final Mousterian levels of Grotta di Fumane, northern Italy, reveals unusual human modifications on species that are not clearly relatable to feeding or utilitarian uses (i.e., lammergeier, Eurasian black vulture, golden eagle, red-footed falcon, common wood pigeon, and Alpine chough). Cut, peeling, and scrape marks, as well as diagnostic fractures and a breakthrough, are observed exclusively on wings, indicating the intentional removal of large feathers by Neandertals. The species involved, the anatomical affected elements, and the unusual type and location of the human Modifications indicated an activity linked to the symbolic sphere and the behavioral modernity of this European autochthonous population.
Andrea Mameli linguaggiomacchina.it February 23, 2011
Gordon 20 - 60 X 60 Spotting Scope
Carnival Special [23] - Bryan Boscoquieto of the Land of the Mezzidemoni
"Special Carnival - Week " Fantasy " - Episode II - Bryan Boscoquieto of the Land of the Mezzidemoni of Federico Ghirardi ...
The saga of Bryan Boscoquieto includes "Bryan Boscoquieto and the talisman of evil" (second book) and "Bryan and the Curse of Boscoquieto Morpheus" (terzo libro)
Titolo: Bryan di Boscoquieto nella terra dei mezzidemoni
Titolo originale: Bryan di Boscoquieto nella terra dei mezzidemoni
Autore: Federico Ghirardi
Editore: Newton Compton
Collana: Grandi Tascabili Contemporanei
Pagine: 416
Prezzo: 6,90€
Data pubblic: 20 gennaio 2011
Accusato di aver avvelenato la figlia di un ricco mercante, Elias l’alchimista muore tra orribili torture e atroci sofferenze. Seicento anni dopo, lo spirito inquieto di questo ambiguo personaggio grida vendetta e riduce in suo potere gli abitanti di Boscoquieto, un piccolo paese di montagna. Il tutto accade sotto gli occhi di Bryan, un quattordicenne a cui è stato concesso il dono di muoversi lungo il sottile confine che separa il naturale dal soprannaturale. A Bryan e ai suoi poteri è affidato il compito di scoprire la vera personalità del malvagio alchimista e di affrontarlo in una battaglia che spalancherà le porte dell’inferno liberando gli spiriti dannati come Elias. Al fianco di Bryan, Morpheus, figlio di un demonio e di un’umana, saprà iniziare il giovane mago ai misteri della Baia: l’organizzazione che, in perenne lotta con la Comunità Ribelle guidata dal potente Insorta, combatte per garantire alla Terra la necessaria protezione contro le creature delle tenebre, lugubri esseri mostruosi confinati dagli uomini sotto la superficie del pianeta. Con l’aiuto di Morpheus Bryan imparerà a gestire l’energia del suo corpo, focalizzandola in raggi luminosi e scudi invisibili. Tra apparizioni magiche, attacchi psichici e paesaggi invisibili agli occhi dei comuni mortali, la lotta tra il Bene e il Male procede senza quartiere fino allo scontro finale: una conclusione inaspettata per una nuova saga fantasy in cui nulla deve essere dato per scontato. Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What Type Of Dog Was Jock
Soon: Dead Girls are easy
Da domani un nuovo libro firmato Delos Books : Le ragazze Morte sono Facili di Terri Garey che apre una nuova serie dal titolo Nicki Styx....
Se devo dire la mia, da quello che ho visto per il web, questa serie ricorda MOLTO Ghost Whisperer . Lo possiamo capire dal fatto che questa ragazza vede le anime dei defunti che sono morti lasciando qualcosa in sospeso e che li deve aiutare per farli passare nella "Luce" .....
Saga: Nicky Styx
Da domani un nuovo libro firmato Delos Books : Le ragazze Morte sono Facili di Terri Garey che apre una nuova serie dal titolo Nicki Styx....
Se devo dire la mia, da quello che ho visto per il web, questa serie ricorda MOLTO Ghost Whisperer . Lo possiamo capire dal fatto che questa ragazza vede le anime dei defunti che sono morti lasciando qualcosa in sospeso e che li deve aiutare per farli passare nella "Luce" .....
Saga: Nicky Styx
Titolo: Le ragazze morte sono facili
Titolo originale : Dead girls are easy
Author: Terri Garey
Publisher: Delos Books
Collection: Odyssey Witches
Pages: 276
Price: € 14.90
Release date: February 23, 2011
There is something in the fact of being near death that causes a girl to rethink its priorities.
Take Nicki Styx: it was a dark vintage, until he touched the afterlife has left her with the ability to see dead people. And in an instant all the spectra of Atlanta are already knocking at his door.
Now her days consist of reluctantly in rearranging the mess left by the dear departed, in accompanying the ghosts towards the Light ... and "anatomy lessons" dr. Joe Bascombe, the brilliant young surgeon that saved my life. All this focus on the dead is a real pain, especially for a girl who would rather spend time playing to the doctor with her sexy new boyfriend. But things get complicated even more when her friend foolishly sells his soul to the devil, and Nicki makes new gift of hitting a voodoo spell.
short, for Nicki Styx dying was just the first of his problems.
Take Nicki Styx: it was a dark vintage, until he touched the afterlife has left her with the ability to see dead people. And in an instant all the spectra of Atlanta are already knocking at his door.
Now her days consist of reluctantly in rearranging the mess left by the dear departed, in accompanying the ghosts
short, for Nicki Styx dying was just the first of his problems.
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