I'm much better now, even if I am a knee-term prospects for timber as Pinocchio ;-)
pending Mastro Geppetto is ready with a scalpel, I must kill my laziness forced me to go swimming, gymnastics in water, exercise bike, massage, indoor and outdoor treatments that otherwise carpenter chases me and catch me before I know it!
In hospital, I knitted a resident for helping to make a cover for a baby, then I baked baby shoes and I got a shrug in mohaire lavender color, light as a cloud, with only 2 balls and a half. Now that I'm home, I am putting in place the second shrugs, but always the same gray wool. I found a yarn shop in Bellaria in the center with a human operator davvero molto competente, che ama il suo lavoro e che sa dare validi consigli.
Gli ho lasciato una cifra !! ho preso anche la lana a fettuccia per farmi un cappotto perchè la stava svendendo e.......era una buona occasione....
vedremo di finirlo prima di......la fine del mondo nel 2012 !!! :)))
immagini da : Champagne Decoration
un grande bacio a tutte
mi avevate dimenticato???
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