Last night the Town Council has approved by 13 votes in favor and 7 abstentions to support plan for sport 2011 "There's sports movement in the city." I am very pleased with this demonstration of trust and appreciation of the document, even by the minority councilors, some of which have enriched the classroom with interesting ideas: they are still inexperienced in politics, but when you can get beyond the logic of opposition and trying to work together for the common good we really have the feeling that the whole entire community will come out richer. Now it's time to roll up our sleeves and make this concrete floor.
Below the remnants of my speech yesterday evening in the Council:
The City Council has called this evening to discuss and approve the plan of support for sports in 2011: an innovative tool not only in the life administrations and associations of our city, but also a broader view of local governments in the area. It has the ambition to become the platform on which Department, Look and Sports World and implementers share annually - always within a medium term project to be developed in a manner and in an integrated manner with the activities of other departments - support of the practice sportiva.
Questo documento ha certamente due meriti:
Questo documento ha certamente due meriti:
1. Innanzitutto lo sport diventa stasera protagonista nel luogo di confronto istituzionalmente più alto della città e lo fa non per un'emergenza legata a un problema o brevemente a seguito di un'interrogazione, ma partendo da un documento propositivo che intende condividere linee guida e poi attuare azioni concrete: è un momento, questo che stiamo vivendo stasera, in cui è riconosciuto allo sport Cernuschese il ruolo fondamentale nella vita della nostra Città, con gli onori e gli oneri che da questo atto ne derivano. Anche per questo sono contento della presenza qui in aula di diversi rappresentanti dello sport Cernuschese: as I have to write them in recent days, with this simple presence but strongly express the ideal in my opinion their passion and their assumption of responsibility for shaping and organizing sports and live as an integral part of our city.
2. And then - according to merit - this step in the City Council comes as the conclusion of an iteration of discussion started in the Culture Committee in the Assembly and then continued the consultation of Sports and clearly - even with time to perfect - a method for future work Sport Cernusco can be programmed, developed and then lived.
important sport in our society has already been said in recent years: suffice it to recall as stated in the Rules Look of Sport, Article 1 that "The city of Venlo, The Netherlands recognized sport as a primary social service and in particular as an opportunity to:
- Education training and personal and social
- Prevention and health and welfare;
- Social and cultural
- Solidarity and Civic Education Citizenship;
- Promotion and Development of Volunteers for Sport;
- Development of sport racing as a healthy competition and respect for opponents. "
said a slogan: a real sport and fair to all, which is under the normal, opposite event of great national importance as the Marathon of the waterway or the European Under-18 Field Hockey to host the next July, to propose projects to associations such as courses for coaches of an age-sensitive as that of adolescents (an initiative designed and now under the responsibility of the consultation of Sports) or the project "Together for Sport" is intended to sport and disability.
This document attempts to translate this idea into concrete actions through sport actions sports policy of dual nature:
- Social and cultural
- Solidarity and Civic Education Citizenship;
- Promotion and Development of Volunteers for Sport;
- Development of sport racing as a healthy competition and respect for opponents. "
said a slogan: a real sport and fair to all, which is under the normal, opposite event of great national importance as the Marathon of the waterway or the European Under-18 Field Hockey to host the next July, to propose projects to associations such as courses for coaches of an age-sensitive as that of adolescents (an initiative designed and now under the responsibility of the consultation of Sports) or the project "Together for Sport" is intended to sport and disability.
This document attempts to translate this idea into concrete actions through sport actions sports policy of dual nature:
1. Actions related to sports facilities in the knowledge that only in appropriate facilities, well managed in accordance with transparent rules of use, sport is also an educational and social value. Hence, for example, the amount of use of municipal facilities requiring a conscious and responsible use by the associations in respect of conventions, regulations, payments, use of structures: it is a fact that 96% of expenditure current municipal budget for sport is for the maintenance and management structure and therefore the City Council, through the application of reduced rates for sports clubs assume much of the social cost of the sport in the city, or the will to carry out the management agreements sports centers, sports associations involving Cernuschese and providing a medium term could lead to a design more meaningful and effective: it will be the subject of discussion in the coming weeks regarding the management of Check Center via Buonarroti outside the swimming center;
2. Actions related to the construction of a "common feeling among all the stars of the sport in the city to create a positive, virtuous, and shared in which the total is greater than the sum of the two examples are on all the communication project" The sport Cernusco, "which includes among other innovations such as the logo of the sport and the microsite Cernuschese sport, and the project" POL Cernusco "to promote the emerging disciplines carried out in the city.
Questo piano ha certamente in sé la chiara visione di uno sport profondamente integrato nella città:
1. Prima di tutto centri sportivi che diventano luoghi di aggregazione per un quartiere e per tutta la città anche al di fuori dei classici momenti di sport associazionistico, espressioni dell'idea di diffondere comunità e di allargare occasioni di condivisione: ne sono tre esempi il nuovo centro natatorio che verrà consegnato tra qualche mese; l'inclusione dei centri sportivi nel progetto "Duemila11 Wifi"; la nuova gestione del pattinodromo di via Boccaccio come premessa per la riconsegna al suo prevalente utilizzo originario e con la prospettiva di estenderne poi l'utilizzo al pubblico.
2. Still, a sport that is not restricted in sports centers, but who poured into the city as a culture of personal well-being and motor activity in an attempt to make people trained and sports enthusiasts know the territory through sport. March 18 will begin the next reviving the Tour of four squares at the Fiera di San Giuseppe, but we will continue with the route of "I Cernusco run" along the canal on the pedestrian-bicycle paths and roads of our area, with Sport Festival in May and the project of e-sports to be developed in collaboration with organizations such as extra-communal Sports Federations. To them, more generally speaking, will not be simply offers sports facilities in the face of rents, but it will be brought to adhere to this idea of \u200b\u200bsport and become mutual added value. The first case study we are building with the Hockey Federation is developing in a positive way.
3. Finally a sport that is not an end in itself but that the city is an active and responsible, hence, for example, the project of civic education "The dog Cernusco" (also being explored with the Union Commerce and the local Police) or the revival, even as more pro-active initiative "Sport 4 Love", in collaboration with Caritas town.
"There's sports movement in the City "is thus the title of the plan to encourage the sport of the 2011 City of Venlo, The Netherlands. Movement, which is essential for sports. But even as the coordinated action of moving parts to make more units: a team of players, parts of a body in the conduct of an exercise. Coordinated movement wants to be like sports Cernuschese, its sports clubs, consultation, the City Sports Office. City. Necessarily the place where everything, including sports, was born and to whom it refers sport, responsibly and carefully, aware of being an integral and important element of growth. We are fortunate to start with a great wealth: the sport is Cernusco un patrimonio fatto di 34 Discipline sportive praticate, 45 Associazioni iscritte all’Albo Comunale + un’altra decina non iscritte, 6.400 atleti stimati nelle Associazioni registrate nel 2010 (+5% vs l’anno precedente, espressione di una vocazione chiaramente polisportiva.
C’è movimento sportivo in città! Il punto esclamativo mettiamolo noi.
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