If a year ago, when I started thinking about this book, I had been told that the paper would be made of algae, I would not have believed it. But it happened: Science Express, the publisher has chosen to present itself concretely with something new. He decided to use a special card, the brainchild of italics. A paper derived a large percentage of the excess algae in the lagoon of Venice: "Shiro Alga Carta".
there are lots of manuals. Some are devoted to survival in hostile environments, others advise how to get in the urban jungle or in the workplace or at home or in the bills. A survival guide energy is none of these things and all of them together. The slogan on the cover back helps to understand: "With this book, save € 1,000 a year." Because the sum of all possible lower expenditures recommended in the book, minus the purchases of products that help save money, you get a figure not just symbolic. The initial interpretation is this: we suggest how to save on energy costs, electricity and fuel.
But the book is dedicated to my mother passed away during the reading of first drafts, because "it taught me how to turn off the light exiting a room." And then the second interpretation lies in the primary source of energy: our own behavior. We can really change things by changing our actions? Safe: the way we use appliances, heating and heat pumps, to our driving style, completamte habit to turn off the TV the way we dress, to arrive at the fateful turn off the backlight when not in use, all of our everyday actions have impact energy. In part, that our impact is measurable, and we can really see how we can save on your bill or distributor. In part it is not quantifiable, but there remains a treasure as valuable: the satisfaction of having made choices that can be defined as sustainable. Qundo speak of laziness, engine of the world, I mean the one hand the strong push for innovation, linked to the need to invent solutions to the problem, and the other the strong impact energy of our lazy behavior: to reduce energy consumption and pay my efforts. Transportation to final out the need to produce with my body energy (mental and physical) needed to make my actions: an exterior made of cars, motorcycles, computers, telephones, home appliances.
And here we come to the third key to reading my book. The key environmental awareness or consciousness that my consumption affect the environment. On this subject, generally, tend to be categorical. Or I do not care: costs, ergo sum. Or I tend to emphasize in considering the environmental theme. The Survival Manual energy arises in the middle of these two positions and invites me to measure la mia impronta sulla superficie del pianeta.
Ci sarebbe anche una quarta chiave, ma non vorrei sembrare un San Pietro della conoscenza. Ma in fondo è quella cui più tengo. E sono in buona compagnia, avendo accanto un editore fortemente motivato in tal senso. La chiave divulgativa. Il concetto di energia, uno dei più complessi da spiegare e da capire, si svela quando lo si tocca con mano. O meglio, quando si cerca di scoprire cosa c'è dietro i movimenti, le trasformazioni, il riscaldamento e il raffreddamento. Sotto sotto il libro vorrebbe anche aiutare a capire cosa significa energia. Ma in realtà aiuta più che altro a incuriorirsi ancor di più e a cercare una spiegazione. In questo ho chiesto aiuto a un grafico, Fabrizio Piredda, whose treatment helps to reveal and intrigue. I hope I succeeded.
forgot, the blog. A few months before the birth of the book we created a blog, in which we report news and tips. Visit it and write:
Andrea Mameli
March 5, 2011
[The original post: "A book made of seaweed. A motion for a change. A business history"] From the blog
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