Friday, March 11, 2011

What Do U Mean By Staging Platform

Prossimamente: Sirene

On 22 Library in March Sirens of Tricia Raybun published by Piemme - Freeway series ...

Saga: -
Title: Sirens
Original title: Siren
Author: Tricia Rayburn
Publisher: Piemme
Collection: Freeway
Pages: 504
Prezzo: 18,00€
Data pubblic: 22 marzo 2011

A diciassette anni, Vanessa ha paura di tutto: del buio, delle altezze, dell’oceano… ma per fortuna Justine, la sorella maggiore, è sempre al suo fianco per proteggerla e incoraggiarla. Finché una notte, Justine si tuffa da una scogliera e il suo corpo senza vita riaffiora a miglia di distanza dalla loro casa di vacanza di Winter Harbor, nel Maine. Vanessa non riesce a convincersi Justine's death is accidental, especially after discovering many secrets hiding his sister, who all considered blameless. Then the boy disappears and Justine at the same time the whole town of Winter Harbor begins to count many people drowned, all ended up with an enigmatic smile on his lips. Within a few weeks, Vanessa will discover many things: how she died her sister, the pleasures and risks of love, and something shocking about his own nature ...


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