Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shift & Tilt Lens Homemade


Questa foto è stata scattata questo pomeriggio a Milano, in occasione dell'inaugurazione del Palazzo delle Federazioni: erano presenti le più alte cariche di Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Milano e Comune di Milano insieme a noti Sports and national leaders of all federations.
What the center is John Petrucci, the president of CONI Italian. The others are (from left) James Dewar, Director of the National Federation of American Football, Roberto Villa, Regional President Hockey Federation, Grazia Vanni, rappesentante technicians in Cones regional Ragnolini Henry, Regional President of basketball, I, as Director Commercial Eurosport.
Petrucci We asked the President to take a picture together to greet Cernusco, because we are all united by the sport in our city: James with Daemons Martesana, with Roberto Hockey Cernusco, Grace with Cernusco Athletics, Basketball Cernusco with Henry I, as a Councillor for Sport. A symbolic gesture, but I am very happy on this day in which - among poce hours - the City Council will be asked to approve the Plan in support of the sport. I take it as a "good luck" to all the sports in our city.


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