Friday, December 3, 2010

Rdc For Non Admin Users


Oggi Il Folio pubblica una mia intervista . La riporto anche qui sotto.


«Cernusco può diventare il più grande centro per lo shopping all’aria aperta, ma per fare il salto di qualità è necessario creare un “sistema” tra Comune e negozianti. Tutti uniti verso il traguardo». «Idem per società e associazioni: basta pensare per compartimenti stagni». «Internet fondamentale per centrare l’obiettivo»

POLITICA (Cernusco) - Dalla scorsa estate è entrato a far parte della giunta con le deleghe a Sport, Commercio e New Media. È ora di tracciare un primo bilancio con l'assessore Ermanno Zacchetti. We give you the.

What was the impact with the Palace? Were you able to settle?

"Yes. In addition I found a close-knit atmosphere and great leadership and professionalism. This helped me to better accommodate. "

Draw an initial assessment of your delegation to the Trade?

"I immediately wanted to establish contact with the president of the merchants, Crescenzio Tufo, which has quickly established a relationship of great collaboration. Ditto with the merchants, whom I met personally to know the needs and problems. Together we have established a number of lines of action comuni».


«Ci siamo trovati d’accordo sul fatto che il commercio a Cernusco può puntare a un grande salto di qualità se tutti i negozianti si abitueranno a fare rete. Il traguardo è quello di dare al settore commerciale un’identità precisa, con l’obiettivo di attirare clienti provenienti da tutta la Martesana, grazie a precise strategie».

Ad esempio?

«Ad esempio impegnarsi tutti assieme per fare della nostra città un unico, grande centro commerciale a cielo aperto, in grado di differenziarsi dai consueti luoghi chiusi e artificiali dove i residenti della Martesana si recano solitamente a fare compere».

The "Christmas in the Comet" is part of this strategy?

"Yes, it is an ideal extension of the" Shopping Under the Stars "summer. Thread: the fact of shopping outdoors under the sky, around the city. The administration has put into the pot some action, traders are busy dell'allestimento theme of the various routes and lighting. This Christmas is definitely the first step to other, important initiatives. "

How is the mobilization of Web space dedicated to the merchants?

"Technically we're ready, just waiting that you complete the bureaucratic process. I am confident of being able to turn the page on the website of the City by Christmas. "

Other initiatives?

"One of the main demands of the traders is to have a new pedestrian and road signs to guide customers to the stores. We are working to achieve it. Maybe putting it in precise paths passing through even the major points of historical and natural interest of our community. "

Sport. What's cooking?

"This is definitely a transition year, given the ongoing work. But in September, at the end of the main sites, we hope to finally launch the new course cernuschese sport. Even in this case the password is "network." Just think for watertight compartments. The reality cernuschese sport is alive and vibrant and the system must do to keep themselves valuable. This is the meaning of the "The Sports Cernusco" I made this summer and will soon also become a website. "

Redevelopment aside, do you have in mind for the two sports centers cernuschesi?

"A reorganization in the name of rationality. Fields and facilities must be used properly as homogeneous as possible. Type football with rugby, soccer football. No more cohabitation abnormal type dog training and cycling. Translated: new spaces, detailed rules, more rational management. And then ...».

And then?

"I wish I could link the major sporting events held in the city to trade-related initiatives. Secondly, it will be important, after completion, to give a precise name to the different structures, now identified only by the name of the streets where there are: Buonarroti, Goldoni, Boccaccio. Another way to give soul and identity for the sport cernuschese.

If the next budget will give the New Media sector on a budget as you do?

"To try to make the free wi-fi in biblioteca civica e per estenderlo anche ai centri sportivi. Un ulteriore passo verso la loro definitiva trasformazione in punti di aggregazione per giovani e cittadini».

Luigi Frigoli


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