Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ballroomdresses For Sal


Last night, during the last year the City Council, the Mayor and I got to the 20 Directors of the majority and opposition, along with a USB key a birthday card for Christmas printed internally. And 'obviously a very simple thought but one that takes its cue from the directors emerged in opposition to one of the city council dedicated to the PGT that the availability of a USB key would allow them to access more easily to the necessary documents to the debate in the classroom, in occasion and of course for the future. In the simplicity of the gift I was hoping you were reading too positive attention both to the demands of the directors, both of their work.
Also in City Council last night, in his speech on the budget for 2011, the Board has expressed its disappointment Gargantini for this gift, saying it expects in fact a key to a wifi internet connection for all directors, so the true mark of innovation.

Because if I said Garga at the bar a bit 'we remain bad but that's okay because we've known for 30 years, if I said Councillor Gargantini in a public event with a live broadcast in a speech negative considerations on the work of repeated administration, I want to express respect for his comment but wonder at the inelegance of his position for a gift. And ever since I've read in this posting - but here I feel could be wrong, due to the fact that the last night's debate in the Council has often touched on the issue of scarcity of public resources and the need not to waste them - an accusation implied gift to the futility and waste of money, then I want to emphasize that the cost of the keys is was fully supported by the Mayor and myself, thus not burdening the municipal coffers.

A gift, nothing more, and to accept that, possibly, thanks.
A gesture may be too disruptive in its simplicity.


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