A a month after the launch of the page Facebook Municipality of Venlo, The Netherlands, below the press release with some numbers and curiosity.
The Facebook page of the City like to Cernuschesi. After 31 days of activity, according to figures supplied by the same social network, were the 64,237 "page views generated by the news" with an average of 2072 views a day and a peak of 4411.
"The numbers - says the Deputy Mayor for New Media Ermanno Zacchetti - clearly express the power of social networks as a means of communication in our society: good communication is to reach their audiences where he is today and people often pass by Facebook . The ability of a municipality to use these tools in their own way - continues Zacchetti - is a sign of wealth and professional offices involved with the citizens: democracy, sharing and transparency characteristics of the Internet, are basically the same values \u200b\u200bof good administration. "
numbers a month of activities do not stop here. Individual users who have interacted with the page have surpassed 600 units and "like" total to date of Saturday, December 18, stood at an altitude of 384: a sign of participation and interest. Not only that. In 31 days of activity were only 2 users who have backtracked click on "I do not like anymore." The number of page views of all travelers on an average of 165 a day. Regarding the profile of users of the Facebook page shows that the municipality has a particular appeal among an audience of young adults of 25-40 years, especially males. There are some curious. The page is also followed by far Japan and Bolivia as one of the languages \u200b\u200bspoken by users is also Bulgarian.
appreciated, finally, the new feature introduced during this first month. "In fact - he concluded Zacchetti - the Facebook page has been improved by a further 'social': the new 'Feedback' that allows a direct dialogue between citizens and the City, making it even more useful tool. In short, users can subscribe to and InfoSMS ComuneNews directly from Facebook. "
The Facebook page of the City like to Cernuschesi. After 31 days of activity, according to figures supplied by the same social network, were the 64,237 "page views generated by the news" with an average of 2072 views a day and a peak of 4411.
"The numbers - says the Deputy Mayor for New Media Ermanno Zacchetti - clearly express the power of social networks as a means of communication in our society: good communication is to reach their audiences where he is today and people often pass by Facebook . The ability of a municipality to use these tools in their own way - continues Zacchetti - is a sign of wealth and professional offices involved with the citizens: democracy, sharing and transparency characteristics of the Internet, are basically the same values \u200b\u200bof good administration. "
numbers a month of activities do not stop here. Individual users who have interacted with the page have surpassed 600 units and "like" total to date of Saturday, December 18, stood at an altitude of 384: a sign of participation and interest. Not only that. In 31 days of activity were only 2 users who have backtracked click on "I do not like anymore." The number of page views of all travelers on an average of 165 a day. Regarding the profile of users of the Facebook page shows that the municipality has a particular appeal among an audience of young adults of 25-40 years, especially males. There are some curious. The page is also followed by far Japan and Bolivia as one of the languages \u200b\u200bspoken by users is also Bulgarian.
appreciated, finally, the new feature introduced during this first month. "In fact - he concluded Zacchetti - the Facebook page has been improved by a further 'social': the new 'Feedback' that allows a direct dialogue between citizens and the City, making it even more useful tool. In short, users can subscribe to and InfoSMS ComuneNews directly from Facebook. "
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