Thursday, December 23, 2010
Watch On Line Peliculas
Trolling film Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo, turn on the radio this Christmas song beautifully interpreted by Mina but written in 1949 by Robert Alex Anderson and known to most people until now for the version of Bing Crosby. Mele Kalikimaka! that is, Merry Christmas! Hawayana language. Let the sun shine by day and by night the stars shine here again, looking down on us and our dreams more sincere.
Mele Kalikimaka!
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say,
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day,
That's the island greeting That We send to you
From the land WHERE palm trees sway,
Here we know That Christmas Will Be green and bright,
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night, Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's
Way To Say "Merry Christmas to you."
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say,
On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day,
That's the island greeting that we send to you
From the land where palm trees sway,
Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright,
The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night,
Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii's way
To say, "Merry Christmas,
A very Merry Christmas to you."
Travestì En France
From an advertising point of view, as will be shut down in 2010?
With great satisfaction, compared to the budget, ending the year with a +7%, which is a +20% compared with 2009. Much of this increase is due to the reorganization of the local collection, which since January 1, 2010 has been internalized. This has led to some redefinition of the internal structure devoted to the preparation of tenders, traffic management, marketing and communications support to the sales force, the other the creation of a network local sales, which guarantees excellent proximity to the market and in which the structure of downloads Advertising is the principal partner.
The impact was evident: in 2010 we aired more than 120 campaigns 'local' for 70 different brands, increasing the share of local advertising on the Italian total turnover from 35% to 45%.
From the perspective of pan-European, also, another good sign is the one that saw the balancing of clients: those historians have confirmed their presence on the channel, while those who, like Trentino, was used for the first time Eurosport has renewed its confidence in us in 2010. Sign that the communication opportunities offer companies are to be successful.
As your customers are shifting their investments in advertising? How are changing the balance between the television and other means (web, iPhone, mobile)
This is another reason for our growth: given that the collection of 'online only' is followed directly by Yahoo! Advertising, if in 2009 the weight of the web and the mobile was marginal, about 3% of our turnover Italian, closes this year standing at 20% thanks to campaigns involving the 'bundle' of digital, satellite and special events.
Increasingly, clients come to us make television then on the Internet, not only with a schedule banner, but with the addition of something more: videos, editorials, competitions and events with branded microsites, etc..
It is precisely this integration that we are very proud Italian customers, and I would cite as an example the partnership with Lottomatica for their brands and Better Pokerclub have married Eurosport at 360 degrees, as is already happening in the rest of Europe, and live as a leader communication on any sports media.
What types of companies and sectors which are over-represented on your channel?
A pan-European level, each discipline has its investors of interest: for winter sports, which confirmed our 'Hard core', clothing, equipment and accessories, in addition to tourism. The same for the trademarks related to cycling. But there are those who follow us married to target specific events, such as Arena for swimming.
In Italy, where our audience is heavily male, virtually all the automotive brands are present, while the target youth Eurosport 2 was chosen also for exclusive marketing channel for Coca-Cola Burn or The North Face, only to give two examples.
What, finally, your predictions for 2011, free vintage sporting events of great attraction as a World Cup or Olympics?
always channel Eurosport is the largest Sports facilities (over 120 different disciplines each year): the absence of the World Cup will be reflected in the decrease of the budget available by companies, not the supply side of our schedule, confirming that indeed large exclusive Tennis, Winter Sports, Cycling and motors. Not to mention the great attention devoted to events of the so called top Olympic summer as the Europeans or World Championships in Athletics. As for advertising, we intend to capitalize on the success of our new internal organization, whose thrust, with a year of work behind us, we are sure you riverbererà also on 2011.
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few days, December 31, 2010, the term would have expired within which was scheduled for delivery by a private operator, the new softball field. Walking along the canal but from Cernusco Vimodrone and looking towards north after the stage Gaetano Scirea, it is clear that no structure may not arise for now. What happened to the softball field?
Monday, December 20th I met the leaders of the two relevant sports associations (ABC Cernusco Amateur Baseball and Softball Cernusco Sharks) to update them on the situation: I agree with everyone here.
I step back. The softball field is part of a project broader, which includes construction of housing units and the field itself, its implementation is expected to be borne by the private operator will also realize that the housing units. Delivery of the field was expected by Dec. 31 to allow the sports associations concerned to start the new season outdoors in spring 2011 in the new structure.
The delay in implementation, this time, is not attributable either to politics, neither the bureaucracy nor the private sector, an unexpected event: the discovery in the construction of an oil pollution, which prevented the 'initiation of any construction work relating to reclamation.
Details and consequences:
- that oil pollution is limited to an area of \u200b\u200bapproximate 2.5 meters x 2.5 meters to 1 meter in depth, for which remediation is necessary to remove the corresponding land ... in practice more or less a truck with 6m cubic earth
- such reclamation, simple object referred to in paragraph above, in reality, bureaucracy long time (3 / 4 months) since it involves the operator , ARPA (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) and the Province of Milan;
- Province Harp and ask the pre-cleaning before starting any lavoro di costruzione.
Entrando nei dettagli dell' area inquinata, si è verificato che in realtà la stessa è collocata in corrispondenza della futura unità abitativa, non dell'area dove sorgerà il campo da softball, così come da certificazione dell'Arpa stessa. Da qui l'idea del Comune, per accelerare i lavori del campo di softball, di sondare la possibilità di separare le due aree, creando di fatto due cantieri: uno per l'unità abitativa, da far partire non appena bonificata l'area; uno per il campo da softball, da far partire subito.
Dettagli e conseguenze:
- Nella conferenza dei services a few weeks ago, the Harp and the Province have agreed to the separation of the two areas (unit and field), provided that there was an act of Government which shall be decided in this separation (therefore called on the Government to take responsibility )
- solely responsible for the Process (RUP) has given an opinion in favor of separation in early December;
- The City Council approved the separation of December 15
- Yesterday was signed on December 22 A new agreement with the private sector that separates the two areas.
Work on the softball field can therefore start regardless of when it completed the reclamation of part of land contamination, which I repeat is outside the field itself.
Details and consequences:
- the new agreement with the private delivery of the field is expected by April 30, 2011;
- necessary after the race, the physical work will start in late January;
- the progress of work will obviously be influenced by the weather: one of the things that you should, for example, is to bring the land area of \u200b\u200bthe field because now below the level of the surrounding terrain and is guessed that, in If rain or snow, this operation is not possible;
- at worst if the field was delivered on April 30, are then needed 3 / 4 weeks to allow grass to grow: we say that the field should be usable by first days of June.
This state of things, updated this morning. As I said, I personally informed these companies: on the one hand there is still satisfaction for a project that will give them a permanent home (rumors were circulating that the field is not done more: it is not true, I confirm that we will ), the other is a bit 'of concern to the start of the season (Mid-March / April / May) that will force us to stringersci a bit '. I appreciate their willingness and their flexibility and for this I thank you. I agreed with them and have asked the office to arrange a meeting during the first days of January (involving ABC, Shark and even Bulldogs) to discuss how to handle the 2 ½ months of the season. Together will be easier to get to the first game on new field.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ballroomdresses For Sal
Because if I said Garga at the bar a bit 'we remain bad but that's okay because we've known for 30 years, if I said Councillor Gargantini in a public event with a live broadcast in a speech negative considerations on the work of repeated administration, I want to express respect for his comment but wonder at the inelegance of his position for a gift. And ever since I've read in this posting - but here I feel could be wrong, due to the fact that the last night's debate in the Council has often touched on the issue of scarcity of public resources and the need not to waste them - an accusation implied gift to the futility and waste of money, then I want to emphasize that the cost of the keys is was fully supported by the Mayor and myself, thus not burdening the municipal coffers.
A gift, nothing more, and to accept that, possibly, thanks.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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The Facebook page of the City like to Cernuschesi. After 31 days of activity, according to figures supplied by the same social network, were the 64,237 "page views generated by the news" with an average of 2072 views a day and a peak of 4411.
"The numbers - says the Deputy Mayor for New Media Ermanno Zacchetti - clearly express the power of social networks as a means of communication in our society: good communication is to reach their audiences where he is today and people often pass by Facebook . The ability of a municipality to use these tools in their own way - continues Zacchetti - is a sign of wealth and professional offices involved with the citizens: democracy, sharing and transparency characteristics of the Internet, are basically the same values \u200b\u200bof good administration. "
numbers a month of activities do not stop here. Individual users who have interacted with the page have surpassed 600 units and "like" total to date of Saturday, December 18, stood at an altitude of 384: a sign of participation and interest. Not only that. In 31 days of activity were only 2 users who have backtracked click on "I do not like anymore." The number of page views of all travelers on an average of 165 a day. Regarding the profile of users of the Facebook page shows that the municipality has a particular appeal among an audience of young adults of 25-40 years, especially males. There are some curious. The page is also followed by far Japan and Bolivia as one of the languages \u200b\u200bspoken by users is also Bulgarian.
appreciated, finally, the new feature introduced during this first month. "In fact - he concluded Zacchetti - the Facebook page has been improved by a further 'social': the new 'Feedback' that allows a direct dialogue between citizens and the City, making it even more useful tool. In short, users can subscribe to and InfoSMS ComuneNews directly from Facebook. "
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Calculation Of A Perpetuity And Inflation
Ora, dopo, tre mesi, siamo qui:
1. Per la parte "nord" del centro (campi da calcetto, bar, campo da hockey) la gestione approntata dallo scorso Luglio dalla federazione Hockey attraverso l'Hockey Cernusco con una prospettiva di rivitalizzazione del centro, anche come punto di aggregazione per il quartiere, ha reso concreti i due passi ipotizzati, con una più ampia offerta del bar anche nei suoi orari di apertura e con la disponibilità del locale sede del precedente gestore, ora sede dell’Hockey Cernusco, per riunioni delle Associazioni Sportive che ne richiedono l’utilizzo. Inoltre, grazie ad una maggiore presenza dei gestori, sono stati ampliati gli orari di affitto dei campetti da calcetto, in particolare nel weekend (cosa che prima non avveniva o avveniva solo in via eccezionale). La novità recent months is that with the Hockey Cernusco is initiated to assess further structural comparison of this part of the center by the operator against a stretch of time management. I myself have said that I'd like to bring wi-fi sports centers to broaden the opportunities for the presence of children and young people over the hours devoted to sport (we begin to think in January). They're all the action, which would allow growth in the sense described above and at the same time ensure a just return the facilities to free up resources to invest in sport.
2. The "south" of the center (track cycling / skate and spaces for training dogs), as we said, went into administration last June directly to the City, which is allowing the use in combination with a precise schedule for days and times established by Sport. This schedule was developed based on the requests of individual associations, with an implementation process that took into account the primary destination of the sports center (this was a novelty): cycling and skating in the first instance, the application for which use the associations have been fully accepted; training dogs to follow during the hours not used. This development is calling for is a management responsibility by the associations themselves during the hours assigned to them (As is already in the school halls), and coordination of interventions by the Office for Sport. This mode of non-overlapping use by non-homogeneous sports has allowed in recent months to resolve security issues (dogs and bicycles were no longer present at the plant). For the safety of cyclists, also, by the beginning of next season (spring 2011) will be dismantled fence structures currently in the escape of the curve to the east of the runway. Conventions that are defined in recent weeks, finally, is no longer granted the exclusive use by a single association specifici spazi e dove ciò avveniva si sta discutendo una nuova organizzazione logistica (comprensiva delle strutture mobili instalalte durante la precedente gestione esterna al Comune e per le quali - come indicato anche in Consiglio Comunale - non risultano agli atti provvedimenti amministrativi), cercando comunque di garantire una continuità sportiva alla stagione in corso: in tal senso, ad esempio, incontrerò la prossima settimana la terza associazione di addestramento cani (le altre due le ho già incontrate) presente al centro. In generale - sulla presenza dell'addestramento cani in quel contesto – è già stata accennata in seno al Direttivo della Consulta dello Sport una discussione che entrerà nel vivo nei primi mesi del prossimo anno e che dovrà valutare la possibilità di trasferire tali attività in un’altra area attrezzata della città: è allo studio un piano di fattibilità sul territorio di Cernusco rispetto alle possibili aree disponibili (gli uffici mi hanno consegnato nei giorni scorsi una mappa di queste possibili aree). E’ chiaro che contemporaneamente a questo possibile sviluppo è richiesta una crescita di utilizzo da parte delle discipline proprie di un impianto come il pattinodromo – ciclismo e skate – al fine di ottimizzare l’utilizzo, l’animazione e il presidio degli spazi stessi: ad oggi ciclismo e skate richiedono l'utilizzo dell'impianto solo per una manciata di ore a settimana. Non escludo questo passaggio, but I hope I have said as well as put in place in recent months has already made a step forward in terms of relations, security and accessibility of the center.
3. The latest news about the track itself. Outside of the hours used by associations for their own use and organized, confirm its intention to allocate a few hours free to use for bike and skate (not simultaneously) from the people: so not all hours of the week were of groups. That way, I hoped more immediate, it will only actually materialized (and rightly so) when put into the track safety as defined above and the presence of an operator (in this sense is always a good discussion with the Hockey Cernusco). I'd like to happen for the next spring, we try.
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press release , from which I take here my notes on the positive aspects of this passage (I see at least four):
- provides consumers a tool that allows you to immediately find the information necessary to satisfy their need to purchase or service;
- offers a means of visibility to our local businesses at a time like the present, of profound crisis
- proposes, even visually, trade Cernusco as part of the city in a system;
- optimizes the capabilities of the municipal website for the first time putting it at the disposal of the town as an important reality trade.
The Public Relations Office will provide the necessary information and be in charge of the insertion site operators who sign the contract for free membership. In the hope that this service can be a useful tool used by traders, the section will be implemented as they come accessions.
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the program and some "behind the scenes has already written the mayor here and here.
From my point of view of the Experiences of theatrical anthropology Commerce are pleased with some aspects that are certainly fine details than the final result in full view of everyone, but from my point of view are very significant steps towards building action and a common image of the business in Cernusco:
- the contribution already in the planning stages of Merchants initiatives designed by the Town Council and the integration of efforts with the rest of the animation Christmas town;
look back on my first full meeting with merchants on 11th October (the weather will remember who was "passionate" about that night), so they are happy with the statement, also on The Day, by a history of our city Merchants: "This year we did a great job e il risultato è sotto gli occhi di tutti», ammette soddisfatta Anna Guzzi, titolare del negozio per bambini «Mondo di Fiaba» di via Roma, che ha anche dato vita a un’iniziativa tutta sua: i bimbi che porteranno un addobbo natalizio realizzato da loro per l’albero della sua bottega, riceveranno in regalo una decorazione. Un altro piccolo gesto per rendere ancora più unica l’atmosfera natalizia sulle sponde del naviglio.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Rdc For Non Admin Users
Oggi Il Folio pubblica una mia intervista . La riporto anche qui sotto.
«Cernusco può diventare il più grande centro per lo shopping all’aria aperta, ma per fare il salto di qualità è necessario creare un “sistema” tra Comune e negozianti. Tutti uniti verso il traguardo». «Idem per società e associazioni: basta pensare per compartimenti stagni». «Internet fondamentale per centrare l’obiettivo»
POLITICA (Cernusco) - Dalla scorsa estate è entrato a far parte della giunta con le deleghe a Sport, Commercio e New Media. È ora di tracciare un primo bilancio con l'assessore Ermanno Zacchetti. We give you the.
What was the impact with the Palace? Were you able to settle?
"Yes. In addition I found a close-knit atmosphere and great leadership and professionalism. This helped me to better accommodate. "
Draw an initial assessment of your delegation to the Trade?
"I immediately wanted to establish contact with the president of the merchants, Crescenzio Tufo, which has quickly established a relationship of great collaboration. Ditto with the merchants, whom I met personally to know the needs and problems. Together we have established a number of lines of action comuni».
«Ci siamo trovati d’accordo sul fatto che il commercio a Cernusco può puntare a un grande salto di qualità se tutti i negozianti si abitueranno a fare rete. Il traguardo è quello di dare al settore commerciale un’identità precisa, con l’obiettivo di attirare clienti provenienti da tutta la Martesana, grazie a precise strategie».
Ad esempio?
«Ad esempio impegnarsi tutti assieme per fare della nostra città un unico, grande centro commerciale a cielo aperto, in grado di differenziarsi dai consueti luoghi chiusi e artificiali dove i residenti della Martesana si recano solitamente a fare compere».
The "Christmas in the Comet" is part of this strategy?
"Yes, it is an ideal extension of the" Shopping Under the Stars "summer. Thread: the fact of shopping outdoors under the sky, around the city. The administration has put into the pot some action, traders are busy dell'allestimento theme of the various routes and lighting. This Christmas is definitely the first step to other, important initiatives. "
How is the mobilization of Web space dedicated to the merchants?
"Technically we're ready, just waiting that you complete the bureaucratic process. I am confident of being able to turn the page on the website of the City by Christmas. "
Other initiatives?
"One of the main demands of the traders is to have a new pedestrian and road signs to guide customers to the stores. We are working to achieve it. Maybe putting it in precise paths passing through even the major points of historical and natural interest of our community. "
Sport. What's cooking?
"This is definitely a transition year, given the ongoing work. But in September, at the end of the main sites, we hope to finally launch the new course cernuschese sport. Even in this case the password is "network." Just think for watertight compartments. The reality cernuschese sport is alive and vibrant and the system must do to keep themselves valuable. This is the meaning of the "The Sports Cernusco" I made this summer and will soon also become a website. "
Redevelopment aside, do you have in mind for the two sports centers cernuschesi?
"A reorganization in the name of rationality. Fields and facilities must be used properly as homogeneous as possible. Type football with rugby, soccer football. No more cohabitation abnormal type dog training and cycling. Translated: new spaces, detailed rules, more rational management. And then ...».
And then?
"I wish I could link the major sporting events held in the city to trade-related initiatives. Secondly, it will be important, after completion, to give a precise name to the different structures, now identified only by the name of the streets where there are: Buonarroti, Goldoni, Boccaccio. Another way to give soul and identity for the sport cernuschese.
If the next budget will give the New Media sector on a budget as you do?
"To try to make the free wi-fi in biblioteca civica e per estenderlo anche ai centri sportivi. Un ulteriore passo verso la loro definitiva trasformazione in punti di aggregazione per giovani e cittadini».
Luigi Frigoli