yesterday, has devoted a nice Christmas for the initiatives organized by the city of Venlo, The Netherlands in collaboration with associations and traders. the program and some "behind the scenes has already written the mayor here and here. From my point of view of the Experiences of theatrical anthropology Commerce are pleased with some aspects that are certainly fine details than the final result in full view of everyone, but from my point of view are very significant steps towards building action and a common image of the business in Cernusco: - the contribution already in the planning stages of Merchants initiatives designed by the Town Council and the integration of efforts with the rest of the animation Christmas town;
- the establishment of a working group including also representatives of the Union of Traders (as usual the central part of every operation and very active), but able to go beyond the expression of different ways and different shopping areas, including non-central;
- effort groped system actions, such as street decorations theme (sometimes with success);
- the choice of common illuminations, which could support indirectly, to the unitary idea of \u200b\u200b"open-air shopping center" we want to build (which, if not open, you can see the flakes of snow on their heads?)
I realize that we are still at a very early stage and can be improved (image, communication, promotions), but the movement is in the right direction and I hope this Christmas has given the impression to the protagonists of Trade Cernusco that together is better.
look back on my first full meeting with merchants on 11th October (the weather will remember who was "passionate" about that night), so they are happy with the statement, also on The Day, by a history of our city Merchants: "This year we did a great job e il risultato è sotto gli occhi di tutti», ammette soddisfatta Anna Guzzi, titolare del negozio per bambini «Mondo di Fiaba» di via Roma, che ha anche dato vita a un’iniziativa tutta sua: i bimbi che porteranno un addobbo natalizio realizzato da loro per l’albero della sua bottega, riceveranno in regalo una decorazione. Un altro piccolo gesto per rendere ancora più unica l’atmosfera natalizia sulle sponde del naviglio.