Friday, July 30, 2010

Drops For Cataracts In Dogs


I should ask a psychiatrist to get the answer to why I like the ruins, perhaps because of the similarity of age that brings us together! ahahahaha

trip if I see on the street, my gaze follows them dictated by a curiosity that represses, I would come down and visited and photographed in detail.

Those of mountains have a special song, are not sad, they live in silence by the beauty of a nature superior blend with the landscape without jarring, they seem to be only asleep, left to rest.

I find them wrapped in a romantic charm, I see beautiful photos of people, I look at them and nearly devoured by nature pervaded ruling that infiltrates in them, hear them talk about their emotions spent on the stones, the smell of past seasons and cries of lost children.

no question of haste, carelessness, lack of love
others were trampled and animal shelters have

guard if furnishings are visual poems, flashes of the past

Maybe it's the same secret love that leads me to see an object on the table in a flea market, used touched, experienced by other hands, in other years, with other garments, with other dishes and food on the table, with other ways of speaking ...

the ruins I feel the soul, which is not always perceived in the new houses, even if they are inhabited

prayers between the blades of grass

arms working in a furnace ....

families ....

.. women who wash the river .....
ok I look for a psychiatrist:))
Add to this agglomeration overview Brescia abandoned on the mountain, a building mostly made of dry stones together that consists of 5 / 6 dwellings interspersed with wineries and closets ... all seamlessly, with arches, staircases, heights and volumes as diverse as harmonious whole that I wanted to kindly post the sign. Pierluigi
There would be a good whole hippo-agri-tourism?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Does Charmane Star Wax?

In poche mosse un abito trasformista

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hurricane Mugen Letöltés

La menta

There are over 600 varieties of this hardy perennial herb vigorous to the point where it crosses spontaneously and gives rise to new varieties. The vitality of the mind is such as to make even a weed, so if you have little space available, it should interact with the vessel or at least contain the roots deeply planted in the ground with stones. Depending on the species belongs to a mint plant may be high by a few inches to nearly a meter, or have a creeping habit. The varieties are pruned often erected to keep the compact clumps and re-growth, those strips are perfectly suited to the formation of fragrant turf.
The leaves should be collected soon before flowers appear. Usually
are dried sprigs of mint, but can also be frozen.
The aroma of mint, unmistakable and penetrating, is especially popular in summer when it became the main component of tea syrups and refreshing the leaves are also used to flavor the vegetables (zucchini with mint) or chocolate cakes.

recipe: Hake with zucchini, mint and almonds
Tempo occorrente: 30 minuti
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
2 naselli
300 gr di zucchine
50 gr di mandorle
12 foglie di menta
1 cucchiaino di curry
Erba cipollina
Sale grosso marino integrale
Sale fine marino integrale
Olio extra-vergine d’oliva
Mettere a bollire una capace pentola d’acqua. Quando raggiunge l’ebollizione far cuocere i naselli intanto tagliare a tocchetti le zucchine. Tritare le mandorle non troppo fini. Passarle in una padella con olio e curry per 8 minuti, salare con il sale fine ed aggiungere le foglie di menta e le mandorle tritate. Scolare i naselli dall’acqua, free them from skin and bones. Arrange on each plate a bed of zucchini, a few pieces of hake, salt with coarse salt, garnish with chives and olive oil.

The renowned Peppermint has digestive properties, antispasmodic and antiseptic: the infusion by placing it in a cup of water a few grams of dried leaves or fresh, well mixed with others of lemon balm, chamomile or linden, is a good digestive.
migraine sufferers may benefit from the mint in two ways: by putting warm compresses on the painful part of leaves boiled in very little water and placed in a cloth, or drinking tea as usual ben calda. Sciacqui a base di menta alleviano anche il mal di gola.

Questa profumatissaima erba è, da sempre, simbolo dell'ospitalità, e il poeta latino Ovidio racconta come due modesti contadini, ricchi di antica cultura, strofinassero con foglie di menta il tavolo della cucina per renderlo profumato prima di servirvi il pranzo agli ospiti.
Era uso comune, nei tempi passati, spargere erbe profumate negli armadi e nelle stanze della casa, come oggi si fa con i deodoranti, e la menta era molto usata per questo scopo.
Pare infine che il forte liquore made from peppermint, is still widespread across Europe and distilled in many monasteries, to have originated in the Middle Ages, when it was produced in order to purify the water used to dilute a few drops.

recipe: Eggplant Towers mint CLICK HERE

The simplest cocktails in the world: MILK AND MINT

Versare in un bicchiere 1/5 di Sciroppo alla menta e i restanti 4/5 di latte.



Curiosità : zollette alla menta digestive....che ho trovato   su questo sito
- lumps of sugar to taste
- pure alcohol Spirits x 95 °
- lime peel
- mint leaves washed and dried

The glass jar I first sterilized
I filled a jar with lumps of glass, trying to fill all the space well, I put some mint leaves and lime peel.
continued with lumps, mint and lime, and so on .....
up to fill the jar.
I added alcohol and the closed jar.
I let it rest for at least a month.
Some people still eat so the cubes, I prefer to "burn" on a spoon, let them burn a bit, then turn off.
Warning !!!!!!
not eat from the spoon lump scalding!

  • L ' therapeutic use of the mind can be traced back to the Egyptians, and is already present in the Papyrus Ebers (seventeenth century BC.) TOTH, and is sacred to the god of medicine.
  • In all, Islam is a pledge of love between young lovers.
  • in ancient Greece was a symbol of love and was dedicated to Aphrodite, consequently it was also considered an aphrodisiac and it took before a sexual encounter.
  • among the Greeks, however, was also dedicated to the war god Ares and the funeral pyres were burning piles of fallen soldiers in battle.
  • the Romans regarded it as relaxing and sedative. According to Seneca the soldiers were not to eat it because it would take away the force and strength.
  • still among the Romans was a very popular flavored wine mint that really liked the matrons. The women often used mixed with honey to cover the smell of wine that had him inevitably, when they went away after a banquet.
  • was customary in antiquity put leaves in the bedding to ward off fleas and lice, as it is very effective in warding off pests.
  • Olympics athletes bathrooms where I put mint leaves in water to strengthen the body.
  • Charlemagne personally requested the list of herbs to grow as they knew it was useful and medicine.
  • since the days of the samurai in Japan was the custom to mettrne leaves between the sheets because it is considered an aphrodisiac.

    Incense :

    • mixture for the purification of a house grains incense, lavender, mint leaves, 7 grains of pepper, pine needles, essential oil of hypericum.
    • to defeat the fear of not deserving love 7 red rose petals, some piece of sandalwood, 7 mint leaves, basil leaves 7, 13 grains of incense, 13 grains of myrrh.


      Put a good amount to dry (the one you think is necessary for your clothing) to lemon zest, tangerine and a sprig of lavender . Who among us has not at home one or more favors for baptisms, communions, confirmations, graduations or weddings? Just keep the packages in tulle and you're done! Build with "sheets" of some tulle bags sewn on three sides, then proceed with the distribution for each a bit of dried skins with cloves, bay leaves, mint and eucalyptus.

      1. This will protect your clothing from the assault of the moths with healthy, natural and pleasantly scented, you will also, once again, enjoy the 'utility of your essence, remove from bag of tulle, and burning them at the end of the season in stoves or fireplaces. Spread to your home a pleasant and agreeable aroma.

      E....camminare su un prato di menta nana tapezzante????
      Tagliare il prato diventa una seduta di aromaterapia ! 

      1. e.....per una doccia estiva....
      Infusi Di Menta Aggiunti a Puri Essential oils of mint and eucalyptus make this soap an ally against fatigue and heat, causing a burst of optimism, a new charge for the day.

      that you can buy HERE

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pepperspray Paintballs

Mantova in mondovisione ! wow

RIGOLETTO broadcast worldwide
Domingo made his debut as a baritone in
epic set in Mantua

bridge that links the Rock of Sparafucile the Ducal Palace, the sides of the Middle Lake and Lower Lake

After Tosca and La Traviata , the masterpiece of Verdi's popular trilogy will be represented in the film directed by Andrea Andermann 4 and 5 September. Rigoletto was purchased by television 138 countries, a record
La Rocca di Sparafucile
La Rocca di Sparafucile
Placido Domingo, uno dei tenori più famosi al mondo, debutterà nella parte da baritono di Rigoletto e lo farà in mondovisione. La Rai, infatti, ha deciso di proseguire il filone di opere e cinema iniziato nel 1992 con Tosca nei luoghi e nei tempi di Tosca e nel 2000 con la Traviata a Parigi.

E se l'opera di Puccini fu vista nel mondo da un miliardo di persone, questo Rigoletto ambientato a Mantova promette un nuovo record, visto che allora lo spettacolo fu acquistato dalle televisioni di 107 Paesi, mentre questa volta di 138. I nomi e i numeri dello show sono tutti da kolossal e non solo per il debutto di Domingo in questo insolito ruolo (nuova parte da baritono dopo quella di Simon Boccanegra) con un cast «pieno di sorprese».

La statua di Rigoletto a Mantova
La statua di Rigoletto a Mantova
A dirigere l'orchestra sinfonica nazionale della Rai sarà Zubin Mehta, che ha diretto anche Tosca e Traviata. La regia è affidata a Marco Bellocchio, la fotografia, anzi più precisamente la cinematografia, è del premio Oscar Vittorio Storaro. E per le riprese in alta definizione realizzate dal centro di produzione di Milano verranno utilizzate 3 regie video, 30 telecamere (tante quante per una finale di Champions League), 7 chilometri di cavi e 8 gruppi elettrogeni, sufficienti ad illuminare 500 appartamenti.

I luoghi in cui saranno fatte le riprese in diretta sono quelli originali della storia, tanto che la Rocca di Sparafucile - in cui la storia narra che fu uccisa la figlia di Rigoletto - è stata restaurata per l'occasione. Andrea Andermann, che ha ideato e prodotto l'opera, ha annunciato che se il Comune vorrà, sarà anche lasciato l'allestimento scenografico.

Gli appuntamenti di questo Rigoletto, in onda su Raiuno nei luoghi e negli orari in cui si dipana la vicenda del giullare deforme, che si scontra con il bellissimo e dissoluto Duca di Mantova, saranno tre: Saturday, September 4 in the early evening and then Sunday at 14 and midnight for the tragic conclusion . All shot in the fortress, the Palazzo Te and Palazzo Ducale, while the orchestra conducted by Mehta will perform the score of Giuseppe Verdi theater Scientific Bibiena. One way, said the president of Lombardia Roberto Formigoni, to admire the artistic beauty of the city of Gonzaga as well as to bring the opera.
Piazza Sordello, Palazzo Ducale on the right of residence of the Duke of Mantua and Gonzaga, in front of the Duomo.

Andrea Andermann, Marco Bellocchio and Vittorio Storaro
The peculiarity of this kind of film that combines the lyric cinema and television are not limited to putting the cameras filming a play that works on TV hardly. "I think something will come out of staff - noted Bellocchio - but defense is where the tradition of this masterpiece." The director spoke to the submission of an "adventure" and even Domingo, in a video message, said it is a project that makes him "crazy, in a positive way."

"This is one of the days when I'm happy Rai to be president, "said Paul Garimberti, glissando a question about the future of Michele Santoro. Andermann-Rai's next project is already in the pipeline: Gioachino Rossini's Cinderella in the palace of the Savoy Stupinigi directed by Luca Ronconi.
(July 16, 2010)
(source: Journal of Mantua)


In 1460 Andrea Mantegna was invited by Ludovico Gonzaga in Mantua where it will become court artist.
Here Mantegna worked on the decoration of Wedding Room nel Palazzo Ducale, per la quale idea una serie di grandi scene con punto di vista unico coincidente con il centro della stanza e una fonte di luce che corrisponde a quella reale, terminando gli affreschi presumibilmente nel 1474.

Andrea Mantegna ,  Camera degli sposi .  Corte di Ludovico Gonzaga , Mantova, Palazzo Ducale, datato sullo sguancio di destra della finestra «1465 . D . 16 JUNIO».
are portraits, along with Louis, his wife Barbara sat in the center and surrounded by his sons Francis, Gianfrancesco, Rodolfo, Sigmund, Barbara and Paula.

1) The Secretary Marsilio Andreasi
2) The Marquis Ludovico
3) The dog Ruby
4) Gianfrancesco
5) which will become Louis' bishop of Mantua
6) Paola Dorotea Gonzaga or
7) Vittorino da Feltre
8) Barbara of Brandenburg
9) Rodolfo
10) Gonzaga Barbarina marry 'Everardo Gutenberg
11) Nana