This is not a post to intervene in the debate on the subject raised these days about the adjustment of the compensation charge of Mayor, Deputy Mayor, City Council, Venlo, The Netherlands. It speaks well il Sindaco qui per spiegare come le indennità della Giunta non sono auto-fissate dalla stessa ma indicate per legge sulla base del numero di abitanti del Comune.
Vorrei però sgombrare qualsiasi dubbio sulla volontà di nascondere chissà quali privilegi assegnati alla carica di Assessore che ricopro: sono stato abituato da sempre ad impegnarmi nel volontariato sociale e parrocchiale senza nessun compenso o rimborso spese, anzi a volte mettendoci qualcosa in più del tempo. Non mi scandalizzo per un'indennità di carica che ricevo ora per la responsabilità che mi sento assegnata e per l’impegno di tempo che mi è richiesto. Non giudico se ne ricevo grandi benefici economici o se sono poca cosa, non I gave my approval to this role based on what I would have won this I assign the law and municipal regulations, this is what I get. And this seems to me natural and public information, dovermene without shame.
allowance charge
allowance charge monthly (January 2011): Gross € 794.13 - € 182.65 € 606.15 net of withholding =
(This allowance is half of what is indicated by law because I kept my employment, compensation charge is combined with my income from employment and contributes to the formation of my taxable income in the statement and then proceed to the relevant taxation. In compliance with the regulations of the Democratic Party to which I belong, 10% of net remuneration shall be distributed to the party).
Mobile service
I received a phone service for calls relating to my role as a municipal administrator. I do not have evidence of my telephone bill but I can postpone the investigation of "The Folio" of October 2010 seconds as the phone costs of the junta were absolutely transparent and low cost. The contract that the City has helped with the telecom operator would allow me to make private telephone calls at my expense - identifiable by a code - with the same local user and then a very affordable cost. Since I have also included a cell phone company I work for the private and I can use for personal calls, use it.
municipal offices and computer
At the municipal seat was reserved for me that I share an office - with pleasure - with the Assessor Vendramini: a computer workstation is set up and a link to mail / internet. The computer that I was given provided it is portable, but instead use it in a traveling only within the City. If I have to work in the evening at home I prefer to upload files to a usb key and use my personal computer. Of course it is already clear that the allowance charge is required to repay part of the utilities used for this effort.
access by car, the traffic
I can get in the car, the traffic to use the parking lot inside the perimeter of the municipal gardens. Although the permit relates to my "constitutional position" and then I might credit more than one vehicle, I preferred to give only the license plate of my car, to the exclusion - to avoid misunderstandings - wife's car and his scooter.
In these six months from Councillor I never requested mileage reimbursement for institutional commitments or reimbursement for expenses of representation (to be honest I do not know if I would have recognized). I confirm, as I wrote at the time, that the keys USB Christmas presents to Municipal Councillors were paid by the Mayor and myself. Indeed, so far only by the Mayor: Eugenio, remind me that I owe you money!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Renewing Ohio Drivers License Duriing Birth Month
Eurosport Player arrives in Italy: a platform for online TV on your computer.
Here is a link .
Eurosportplayer (which you can connect to the site is a real online television platform that will have its own programming and that will not only radiate just as Eurosport already sends normally aired on its networks television.
The player, in effect, gives the opportunity to receive on-line the main channels Eurosport (Eurosport International and Eurosport 2). Through the player will have the opportunity to follow in our multicast best events: the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, for example, will be shown with live images of all fields to begin his Australian Open which starts in recent days. The Player otrete choose to watch the match live from radiated or browse our channels on all other related fields.
This also applies to the snooker, motor racing competitions, swimming, for all the events which Eurosport will ensure the rights on its platform irradiating only a part of television programming. The player will also contain events that Eurosport has distribution rights for television, but that can be irradiated on-line. The best record of all events will remain for at least seven days available to subscribers for a consultation re-play and re-live in a large section of Video-on-Demand that each user can customize as you prefer. You can review all the events that you missed.
It 'a very complex, unique at least in our country. The subscription will be very cheap, at this time that the offer is launched to the public will be € 4.90 per month or € 39.90 per year. We will provide many promotions, however, and coupons that will allow additional savings to those who want to subscribe to the service.
With the Australian Open, the Copa America and the Asian Under20 Cup finally comes alive, the player offers a whole new way of seeing Eurosport: where you are, without a parable, in a very convenient and a quality truly amazing.

Eurosport Player arrives in Italy: a platform for online TV on your computer.
Here is a link .
Here below, in the words of site Eurosport , what Eurosport Player. It starts this week with the Australian Open Tennis!
Italy also has its Eurosportplayer: it is good news for all friends who follow our programming on Sky, but now can follow all of our channel offering on-line.Eurosportplayer (which you can connect to the site is a real online television platform that will have its own programming and that will not only radiate just as Eurosport already sends normally aired on its networks television.
The player, in effect, gives the opportunity to receive on-line the main channels Eurosport (Eurosport International and Eurosport 2). Through the player will have the opportunity to follow in our multicast best events: the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, for example, will be shown with live images of all fields to begin his Australian Open which starts in recent days. The Player otrete choose to watch the match live from radiated or browse our channels on all other related fields.
This also applies to the snooker, motor racing competitions, swimming, for all the events which Eurosport will ensure the rights on its platform irradiating only a part of television programming. The player will also contain events that Eurosport has distribution rights for television, but that can be irradiated on-line. The best record of all events will remain for at least seven days available to subscribers for a consultation re-play and re-live in a large section of Video-on-Demand that each user can customize as you prefer. You can review all the events that you missed.
It 'a very complex, unique at least in our country. The subscription will be very cheap, at this time that the offer is launched to the public will be € 4.90 per month or € 39.90 per year. We will provide many promotions, however, and coupons that will allow additional savings to those who want to subscribe to the service.
With the Australian Open, the Copa America and the Asian Under20 Cup finally comes alive, the player offers a whole new way of seeing Eurosport: where you are, without a parable, in a very convenient and a quality truly amazing.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Parts Pirate Ship Diagram
I was last weekend in Val di Fiemme to work at the last stage of the Tour de Ski Cross Country. My various tweet on the subject have already given the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beauty of this sport, the impact on the geographic area of tourists from abroad (mainly North and East Europe).
I was struck, however, the consideration of a responsible organization that I pointed out two things: the importance of volunteers, especially the need to involve an entire community.
volunteer about the photo of this post: hours and hours on the track, the snow in the cold, to ensure the safety of athletes and spectators attend. The passion can really take over. On the involvement of communities in the words of manager were clear: only if an entire community of an entire valley from several countries made you feel part of this project, then arrange a tappa di un circuito mondiale qui da noi ha senso. Perchè fa crescere prima di tutto la nostra comunità stessa. Mi chiedevo se anche in una città "metropolitana" come Cernusco un approccio di questo tipo può avere senso e soprattutto se lo stile e le abitudini di vita delle persone oggi a Milano e periferia sono ancora compatibili con un'idea così. Non nego che mi piacerebbe portare lo stesso spirito di sport per la città e viceversa a Cernusco e il progetto "I sport Cernusco" va in questa direzione. Nelle prossime settimane la presentazione di quanto faremo quest'anno.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Regulator For Camping Stove
La Gazzetta della Martesana in edicola oggi riprende la notizia del Wifi free in biblioteca Cernusco and refers to the confusion related to the new rules on the obligation to identify individuals accessing the network.
Nonostate the repeal of the famous Article 7 of Decree Pisanu, this identification in the library of the city continues to be: on the subject, the interpretation of competent municipal offices had already been on line as well summed up well by Wired in this piece to date analysis more competent that I found online.
Pending further developments and regulatory clarification.
La Gazzetta della Martesana in edicola oggi riprende la notizia del Wifi free in biblioteca Cernusco and refers to the confusion related to the new rules on the obligation to identify individuals accessing the network.
Nonostate the repeal of the famous Article 7 of Decree Pisanu, this identification in the library of the city continues to be: on the subject, the interpretation of competent municipal offices had already been on line as well summed up well by Wired in this piece to date analysis more competent that I found online.
Pending further developments and regulatory clarification.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Slight Pain Behind The Ears
"I RUN CERNUSCO" give me a hand ?

One of the objectives I stated last July, on the occasion of my appointment as Councillor for Sport, was to make concrete the proposal of the consultation of Sports to create a portal / microsite Sports Cernusco. Recently, we have defined some technical aspects about hosting, the site of the City report, sections to be developed ... the details later. We are starting now the definition of the graphics and especially the collection of content.
A section that we want to develop is "I run Cernusco" paths for runners - not necessarily experts - on the territory of Cernusco (and maybe trips to neighboring countries), using footpaths or pedestrian-cycle of our territory and information on the path itself. An easy way to do sports, maybe you start doing it, and know the area of \u200b\u200bour city.
So for fun I tried to throw down a path, what I usually do by practicing very amateur sport, making also help in the measurement from the Nike + GPS, then integrating it as much as a Google Map example (consider it just an example) the idea that we would like to achieve.
Since the other paths we find them, is there any runner (more or less expert) who can give us suggestions? What is your favorite course that you recommend? Even with indications Maximum: up to work, if the path we like, we'll do.
your appearance: in the bottom of this post or on Facebook or by email.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
2 Days Before Period Cervix

The draft budget for 2011 of the municipality of Venlo, The Netherlands, approved on December 21, provides for the allocation of € 20,000 for the purchase of goods and services "new media": a figure "small "but I think significant in these times of budgetary constraints.
My intention is to use this money to make our city free wifi.
Negli ultimi mesi sta crescendo anche in Italia una forte sensibilità sull'accesso gratuito alla rete come diritto dei cittadini alla conoscenza e all'informazione. Lo sviluppo più clamoroso ha riguardato l'iniziativa del mensile Wired e del giurista Stefano Rodotà che lo scorso 29 Novembre, durante l'Internet Governance Forum di Roma, hanno lanciato la proposta di inserire il diritto alla Rete nella Costituzione Italiana. Rodotà ha scritto il testo di un nuoovo articolo, il 21-bis: "Tutti hanno eguale diritto di accedere alla rete internet in condizione di parità con modalità tecnologicamente adeguate e che rimuovano ogni ostacolo economic and social ". Rodotà The text has become a few days after the bill n.2485, signed by sixteen Senators.
The project we're working for our city, we called "Cernusco duemila11 + wifi" to create in a year 11 hot spots to access free internet in parks, sports grounds, squares, public places are covered. We would also like (or even) to involve the retailers (in particular the bar), to understand if they want / could join this project and make whole areas of the city free wifi: why we put that + ... the hope is that more areas are also equipped.
A che punto siamo? Solo all'inizio dell'idea, ma viaggiamo già spediti. Interessante è stata la chiacchierata con l'Associazione Green Geek (per ora grazie!), che proprio in questi giorni sta rendendo hotspot piazzale Cadorna a Milano in maniera agile, facilmente accessibile e a costi ridotti, come è nel loro stile. Loro sono davvero esperti e ci hanno rinfrancato sul fatto che sì, si può fare. In questo momento stiamo evidenziando quali aree della città potrebbero diventare gli 11 hotspot per poi verificare cosa servirà tecnicamente. Allora lì sapremo se ci stiamo con i costi e con la fattibilità.
Appendix 1: It is true, a public wifi service already exists in Cernusco. E 'in library and is free of charge. Soon it will not be more (charges, I mean).
Appendix 2: The new legislation came into force in late December not to remove the requirement to login and tracking of public wifi connections (Pisanu law anti-terrorism). It simplifies the implementation, but not canceled.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Pregnant And Exposed To Fifths
La locanda
Jalal Ad Din Rumi
Mawlana ("our Lord") Jalal ad-Din Rumi (Mowlânâ Jalaloddin Rumi in Persian, Rumi Mevlana Celaleddin in turkish), born in Balkh in Khorasan and died in 1207 Konya in Turkey in 1273, is perhaps the most great Persian mystic poet and one of the greatest mystics ever. He took home the order of the Mevlevi (the so-called "whirling dervishes"), led after his death by his son Sultan Walad. His works are constantly studied and meditated for more than seven hundred years.
The human being is an inn,
every morning someone comes along again.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some moment of awareness
arrives from time to time, as a visitor
hello to everyone, all intrattienili!
Although it is a crowd of sorrows
raging violent home
stripping it of all the furniture,
the same, treat each guest honorably:
could be that you're releasing
in view of new pleasures .
the gloomy thoughts, the shame, the malice, meet
go on the door laughing, and invite them to join
Be grateful for everything that comes, because everything is
was sent as a guide
The inn ( Gialal ad-Din Rumi ) - A poem of the greatest Persian mystic poet, founder of the brotherhood of Sufi dervishes.
Jalal Ad Din Rumi
photos of the Inn of the fjord, between Amalfi and Positano.
Happy New Year!
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