Monday, November 15, 2010

Graduation Name Card Size

Oli Essenziali e Colori : Come creare un cuscino per riposare bene

We combine the properties of some essential oils with the therapeutic effect of the colors .... a bit of imagination and good will, and you're done, we can create with our hands, pillows to sleep well!

cushion that will prepare, or to be put under the pillow
, which usually asleep, or just under the lining
that should be white or cream, to allow to information bearing energy
we prepared to pass!

buy some' of natural fabric, cotton, linen, etc ... , color
suitable to promote relaxation: ; blue, green,
pink, light purple
tissue may also be a floral, important that the shades of colors are soft and the colors
above. In a good herbal
acqistate a mixture of dried plants that serve
imbottituradel from bearing:
lavender, luppolo , valeriana , cedrina,  melissa …..ecc… accertatevi
che  le erbe da voi scelte abbiano una azione calmante .
Cucite a mano o a macchina, una piccola fodera è mettete  al suo
interno la miscela di piante ed a cui avrete aggiunto qualche
goccia di olio essenziale.
La scelta dell’olio essenziale è strettamente legata al colore della
fodera del cuscinetto, dovrà esaltarne le proprietà Therapeutic
... a kind of resonance energy.

Sandal - Blue. ... useful in recurrent dreams that disturb sleep

Melissa - pink / green . ... Wonderful plant that deserves more than
unintervento useful for balancing energy, favors union with our unconscious part
Laurel - Blue ... .. favors the famous premonitory dreams

Lavender - green / pink .... For a restful sleep, calming, helps with the fears
, good for women and children

Wooden Rose - Rosa ... .. acts on the heart ,
everything that weighs on the affective

Clary Sage - Purple Light ; ... .... helps to make vivid dreams and remember them
Prolonged use of this bearing as well as promote a good rest
even greater internal dialogue, which is useful for removing energy blockages
that in waking condition, sometimes heavily
our daily work.
I remind you that the work of the doctor or psychotherapist is insostutuibile ,
the use of these tools should be seen in the natural
help and support to conventional therapy ... we can define accelerators, in the case of
overt disease, or improved methods of prevention.
Article taken from here

I'd do without them hinge as explained in this blog , raw linen or white with goatees to the edge or cream, retro floral prints or clear pastel shades. I think that might be a better ideuccia for Christmas gifts to colleagues and friends, a subject not on the market, hand made, personalized and inexpensive.


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