Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fabric Softener Allergic Reactions


Avevamo lasciato i nostri dell'ASO2002 sotto la curva del campo di Peschiera a festeggiare la storica prima vittoria ed eccoli già qui a Cernusco a scrutare pensierosi il campo zuppo di pioggia di sabato scorso.
Avrebbero retto conto i più grandi d'età di San Carlo Gorgonzola su un terreno predisposto per la forza visica più che per la tecnica?
Privi - anche per i principi d'influenza - della coppia difensiva Marot-Samma in the field and led by Captain Phil of the day (bring the band has a double responsibility because it involves having to set an example for the whole school the following week), the team faced with the usual courage the first time, staggering under the blows like Rocky Apollo Creed for the repeated attacks of opponents, but never go to the mat thanks to an inspired Zac parades. 0-0 the first time and second time in the striking advantage of the ASO, with a masterly counterattack launched by Cree, continued by Flaco Simon and ended with a perfect diagonal down from Brusa: 1-0. From then on, still great enemy attacks, saves, on the line, cross-almost goals, saves, but 1-0 for us always until the last second last minute of added time, when informed of a kick to the opposing captain slipped the ball to the edge of the pole.
1-1 final: a little 'bitter taste in the mouth, but right result.
are already four points for this team constantly against opponents a year older, yet in the post-game snack someone assumed the double digits by the end of the first round. It will not be the achievement of this objective measure the quality of the work done, but also put a target sport is important.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Graduation Name Card Size

Oli Essenziali e Colori : Come creare un cuscino per riposare bene

We combine the properties of some essential oils with the therapeutic effect of the colors .... a bit of imagination and good will, and you're done, we can create with our hands, pillows to sleep well!

cushion that will prepare, or to be put under the pillow
, which usually asleep, or just under the lining
that should be white or cream, to allow to information bearing energy
we prepared to pass!

buy some' of natural fabric, cotton, linen, etc ... , color
suitable to promote relaxation: ; blue, green,
pink, light purple
tissue may also be a floral, important that the shades of colors are soft and the colors
above. In a good herbal
acqistate a mixture of dried plants that serve
imbottituradel from bearing:
lavender, luppolo , valeriana , cedrina,  melissa …..ecc… accertatevi
che  le erbe da voi scelte abbiano una azione calmante .
Cucite a mano o a macchina, una piccola fodera è mettete  al suo
interno la miscela di piante ed a cui avrete aggiunto qualche
goccia di olio essenziale.
La scelta dell’olio essenziale è strettamente legata al colore della
fodera del cuscinetto, dovrà esaltarne le proprietà Therapeutic
... a kind of resonance energy.

Sandal - Blue. ... useful in recurrent dreams that disturb sleep

Melissa - pink / green . ... Wonderful plant that deserves more than
unintervento useful for balancing energy, favors union with our unconscious part
Laurel - Blue ... .. favors the famous premonitory dreams

Lavender - green / pink .... For a restful sleep, calming, helps with the fears
, good for women and children

Wooden Rose - Rosa ... .. acts on the heart ,
everything that weighs on the affective

Clary Sage - Purple Light ; ... .... helps to make vivid dreams and remember them
Prolonged use of this bearing as well as promote a good rest
even greater internal dialogue, which is useful for removing energy blockages
that in waking condition, sometimes heavily
our daily work.
I remind you that the work of the doctor or psychotherapist is insostutuibile ,
the use of these tools should be seen in the natural
help and support to conventional therapy ... we can define accelerators, in the case of
overt disease, or improved methods of prevention.
Article taken from here

I'd do without them hinge as explained in this blog , raw linen or white with goatees to the edge or cream, retro floral prints or clear pastel shades. I think that might be a better ideuccia for Christmas gifts to colleagues and friends, a subject not on the market, hand made, personalized and inexpensive.

Monday, November 1, 2010

History Of Spotting Scopes

Arriva il periodo di una delle mie spezie preferite.

Nutmeg is the seed of Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree common in tropical climates.
The female specimens of the plant produces a fruit the size of an apricot, in which there is a network of scarlet red (the mace) which contains the seed intensity.
after harvest the fruits, the seeds are laid out to dry in the sun for a period between six and eight weeks, or are dried over a fire of wood during this treatment, the spice is detached from the shell that contains it, and is extracted. Nutmeg is used
grated, and is appreciated for its unique taste and refinement.

use in cooking in the kitchen space is the nutmeg in sweet and savory recipes, in particular lends itself to flavor sauces like bechamel sauce or onions. Excellent for flavoring mashed potatoes, nutmeg is housed in recipes fresh pasta (tortellini, cannelloni), with the ground meat (meatballs, meat loaf or stuffed with meat), vegetables (Brussels sprouts, spinach) and in mixtures some cakes, puddings and creams.
nutmeg is also used to flavor the hot wine, rum punch and other alcoholic beverages.

Walnut grated nutmeg is consumed.

Buying Guide
there on the market already grated nutmeg is the best way to savor the aroma is to buy it whole and grate only as consumed.

method of preservation
Nutmeg store in an airtight glass jar, then stored in a cool, dry place.

addition to its flavor, nutmeg is popular for its many therapeutic properties, in particular how calming it is also used to treat insomnia. It should not be taken in large doses, as it becomes a powerful narcotic. Taken in very high doses can even be lethal (5 grams cause the death of a man).

This is a tall tree about 15 meters spontaneous Moluccas and the Philippines, which is grown on the islands of Sulawesi, Sumatra, East Indies in Guyana .
By the power of stimulating the Nutmeg is considered an aphrodisiac.
In the picture below you see our apricot-like fruit with the nut inside is still soft covered with a red menbrana di nome macis, anch'essa usata come spezia ma più delicata della noce moscata.

Le noci moscate erano note in Cina come farmaco da moltissimi secoli , per curare reumatismi, mal di stomaco, dissenteria e coliche. Nell’Europa del ‘600 la noce moscata era considerata anch’essa un afrodisiaco, ma anche un sonnifero. Alla noce moscata si attribuivano poi proprietà diuretiche, digestive, confortative per il fegato e lo stomaco, e addirittura la capacità di acuire la vista. L’olio di noci moscate was also one of the 75 components of Teriaca, drug omnipotent and infallible antidote for poisons and plagues used for hundreds of years until the late eighteenth century.

Nutmeg, used in large doses, is a hallucinogen whose properties 'drugs' and psychedelics have been known since antiquity. Nutmeg contains over all'isoeugenolo myristicin the fact that once ingested is converted to 'in vivo' in compounds whose chemical structure is not too far from the 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-metilamfetamina, better known to the public under the Ecstasy.
miristicina ecstasy

myristicin Ecstasy

In the 18th century, people were running with their own nutmeg grater, with its silver or wood. Need to spicy foods.
In the Middle Ages 500 g of Nutmeg costs 7 oxen.

What would a white sauce without nutmeg?

... and the scent that gives the stuffed pasta?

and desserts ...

Ehi ma tu non hai fame????