Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Luxating Patella Surgery For Dogs In Florida

La casa viva

Nuovi progetti abitativi classificati Class A + low-cost and environmentally friendly. A house ready in 30 days that combines housing, energy, home automation and equipment built around the welfare of the man who lives it. Cost € 1,700 per sq
turnkey module is 80mq.Tutto is isolated, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, fire retardant, are exploited natural resources such as sun, wind, rain and the building consumes only 5.80 kWh per square meter per year compared with 31.32 required by law.
I like it, only that the furniture in a less modern, I would use all these advanced materials but I need to see an old como, 'ruined a mirror, a lamp retro, a bit of healthy domestic disorder, some wall di vetro in meno e qualche grammo di granelli di polvere in più .......non tutto il vecchio è sbagliato.

Foto degli interni :

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Basketball Centerpeices

Amati creativi

Mi piacciono un sacco i creativi pubblicitari, quelli che in qualche modo utilizzano le immagini per mandare un messaggio, per scatenare l'attenzione, li adoro perchè loro vedono cose che spesso we do not see and get to a message in a picture.

(all images I received via e-mail but have been taken hence )

walking shoes "Safety" :-)))))

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sidekick Lx 2009 Internet Hack

Molto utile a chi beve latte !

I received this article useful to those who consume milk stored in tetra-pack, I personally just take it in the bottle and high quality as it does not use a lot but most people will know how to read food labels and less discomfort or allergies afflict us health!

expired milk is not sold is sent back to the producer BY LAW can do it again the process of pasteurization at 190 degrees and put it back on the market. This Process BY LAW can be made up to 5 TIMES . (!)
The producer is obliged to indicate how many times you do the process, and in effect suggests, but in his own way, in the sense that anyone who has ever noticed that the milk she is drinking stewed has expired and who knows how many times?
Il segreto è guardare sotto il tetrabrick e osservare i numerini    
Ci sono dei numeri   12345. Il numero che manca indica quante volte è scaduto e poi ribollito il latte.
ES: 12 45 missing "three": 3 times expired and stewed.
But do not stop there, because in a box of 12 envelopes envelopes where there will be some missing number and others where there will be all numbers . Attention all the box has received this treatment but you will not see written on all packaging (I find this to be scorrettissimo). In this how companies get richer, recycling actually expired milk, and who pays the consequences that we (optimistically) actually drink dirty water.

Consume high quality things, but not "clean", more popular, as The portfolio allows you to shop organic, I know well that are very expensive, but the key distribution is poisoning us!
The only choice is: decide to spend the money where they see fit , let us stop to fill trucks like the eve of a world war, let's go shopping more 'often, the recycled bag and take to the supermarket Only non-perishable goods, taking advantage of promotions when there is, making a little spare, but the food we eat .... always remember that leaves traces in our bodies!
caring for each other,
deserted the activities of those who threaten our health, as far as possible.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How To Clear Memory Of Brother Printer

Un altra piccola mania : le parigine !



these gorgeous ribbed gray ....
then if they stay with their hooves .........
Ciao amichee !